Select Bibliography

Books, Articles in Refereed Journals, Book Chapters, and Articles in Non-Refereed Journals


Scarfe, A.C. “Humanity’s ‘Psychosocial Inheritance System,’ the Rise to Planetary Superdominance, and the Global Ecological Crisis: Anthropocentric Humanist, Biocentric Antihumanist, and Holistic Organicist Perspectives on the Way Forward for Education,” forthcoming in Petrov, V. and Riffert, F., (eds.) Education and Learning in a World of Accelerated Growth in Knowledge Creation – Current Trends in Process Thought. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Woodhouse, H. “Russell and Chomsky as Advocates of Humanistic Education.” Philosophical Inquiry in Education. Vol 27, No. 2, pp. 135-152.

Woodhouse, H. “Experience, Emotion, and Aesthetics: Thinking About David Olson's The Mind on Paper: Reading, Consciousness and Rationality.” Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education. Vol. 51, No. 1, pp.65-77.


Scarfe, A. C., and Petrov. V., (eds.) Process, Rhythm, and Poiesis: Education from a Whiteheadian Point of View. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Volume 5 in the European Studies in Process Thought Series.


Scarfe, A. C., (ed.) Nature Alive: Essays on the Emergence and Evolution of Living Agents. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Woodhouse, H. “The Contested Domain of Academic Freedom in Canada’s Universities: Where are we Going?” American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Vol. 76, No. 3, pp.618-647.

Woodhouse, H. “Contrasting Views of Emotion in Learning: Alfred North Whitehead and Jerome Bruner.” Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education. Vol. 48, No. 3, pp.217-230.


Regnier, R.H. “Toward Eco-Civilization through Learning as Valuing: A Proposal for Whitehead-based Creative Inquiry in China’s Schools. Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education. Vol. 47, No.3, pp.229-247.

Scarfe, A. C., “The Question of the Objective Basis of Whitehead’s Theory of the Rhythm of Education: Homeostasis Research and Chronobiology.” Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education. Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 329-356.


Woodhouse, H. “Whitehead, Alfred N.” in Phillips, D.C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy, Vol. 2. Sage Reference, Los Angeles, pp. 849-853.

Scarfe, A. C., and Henning, B., (eds.) Beyond Mechanism: Putting Life Back Into Biology. Lexington Books / Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD.


Scarfe, A. C. “Kant and Hegel’s Responses to Hume’s Skepticism Concerning Causality: An Evolutionary Epistemological Perspective (with reference to Lorenz).” Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 227-288.

Woodhouse, H. “Mathematics as Liberal Education: Whitehead and the Rhythm of Life.” Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education. Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-23.

Woodhouse, H. “Storytelling in University Education: Emotion, Teachable Moments and the Value of Life.” Journal of Educational Thought. Vol. 45, No. 3, pp.211-238.

Woodhouse, H. “Learning for Life: The Peoples’ Free University and the Civil Commons.” Issues in Social Justice. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.77-90.

Woodhouse, H. “Your Money or Your Life! A Canadian Critique of the World Bank’s ‘Reform Agenda’ for Higher Education.” International Education. Vol. 40, No. 2, pp.6-21.


Woodhouse, H. “Yesterday and Today: Universities and the Growth of the Market Model.” In Newson, J. and Polster, C. (eds). Academic Callings: The University We Have Had, Now Have, and Could Have. Toronto. Canadian Scholars’ Press, pp.121-129.


Regnier, R.H. “Education for Sustainable Development Through Learning as Valuing,” Tattva:
Journal of Philosophy, Centre for Publications, Christ University, Bangalore, India, Vol.1, No. 2.

Regnier, R.H. “Cosmological Foundations of Learning as Valuing.” In Scarfe, A.C. (ed). The Adventure of Education: Process Philosophers on Learning, Teaching, and Research. Amsterdam & New York. Rodopi, pp.147-167.

Scarfe, A.C. (ed). The Adventure of Education: Process Philosophers on Learning, Teaching, and Research. Amsterdam & New York. Rodopi, 227pp.

Woodhouse, H. Selling Out: Academic Freedom and the Corporate Market. Montreal & Kingston. McGill-Queen’s University Press. 350pp.


Scarfe, A.C. & Woodhouse, H. “Whitehead’s Philosophy of Education: Its Promise and Relationship to the Philosophy of Organism.” In Weber, M. & Desmond, W. (eds). Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Vol. 1. Frankfurt/Paris/ Lancaster. Ontos Verlag, pp.167-179.


Scarfe, A.C., Flynn, M., Regnier, R.H., Thompson, H.E. and Woodhouse, H. “Toward a Humanized Science of the Mind,” Critical Notice of Searching for New Contrasts: Whiteheadian Contributions to Contemporary Challenges in Neurophysiology, Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Philosophy of Mind byRiffert, F.G. & Weber, M. (eds). Frankfurt. Peter Lang.” Interchange. Vol. 38, No.2, pp.175-194.


Regnier, R.H. “Cosmological Foundations of Imagination in Learning: A Whiteheadian Perspective.” Process Studies (34/2), pp.178-191.


Flynn, M. “The Importance of Forgetting ‘Perishing’ in Whitehead’s Cosmology and Epistemology.” Interchange. Vol. 36, Nos. 1-2, pp. 85-93.

Flynn, M. “Learning in the Process of Teaching.” In Riffert, F.G. (ed). Alfred North Whitehead on Learning and Education: Theory and Application. Newcastle. Cambridge Scholars Press, pp.199-210.

Regnier, R.H. “Prophetic Visions for Professional Teachers: A Whiteheadian Perspective on Designing University Courses,” Interchange, Vol. 36, Nos. 1–2, pp.95-120.

Regnier, R.H. “Prophetic Visions for Professional Teachers: A Whiteheadian Perspective
on Designing University Courses.” In Riffert, F.G. (ed). Alfred North Whitehead on Learning and Education: Theory and Application. Newcastle. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp.323-345.

Scarfe, A.C. “Selectivity in Learning: A Theme in the Application of Whitehead’s Theory of Prehensions to Education.” Interchange. Vol. 36, Nos. 1-2, pp. 9-22.

Scarfe, A.C. “Prehensive Selectivity and the Learning Process.” In Riffert, F.G. (ed). Alfred North Whitehead on Learning and Education: Theory and Application. Newcastle. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp.123-158.

Soini, H. & Flynn, M. “Emotion and Rhythm in Critical Learning Incidents.” Interchange. Vol. 36, Nos. 1-2, pp.73-83.

Soini, H. & Flynn, M. “The Importance of Emotion and Rhythm for Learning.” In L. Gurtler, Kiegelmann, M., & Huber, G. (Eds). Areas of Qualitative Psychology: Special Focus on Design. Tubingen. Ingeborg, Huber & Verlag, pp.249-264.

Thompson, H.E. “Education as Process: Why Engaging the Whole Person is Important and How to Do It.” In Riffert, F.G. (ed). Alfred North Whitehead on Learning and Education: Theory and Application. Newcastle. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp.347-380..

Woodhouse, H. “Knowledge, Value, and Meaning as Process.” Interchange. Vol. 36, Nos. 1-2, pp.5-7.

Woodhouse, H. “A Process Approach to Community-Based Education: The People’s Free University of Saskatchewan.” Interchange. Vol. 36, Nos. 1-2, pp.121-138.

Woodhouse, H. “Introduction to Bertrand Russell’s In Praise of Idleness.” London. Routledge Classics, pp.xi-xxiii.

Woodhouse, H. “Le Rythme de l’Education a l’Université.” In Breuvart, J.M. (ed). Les Rythmes Educatifs dans la Philosophie de Whitehead. Frankfurt. Ontos Verlag, pp.128-167.

Woodhouse, H. “Evaluating university teaching and learning: Taking a Whiteheadian turn.” In Riffert, F.G. (ed). Alfred North Whitehead on Learning and Education: Theory and Application. Cambridge Scholars Press. Newcastle, pp.383-409.


Flynn, M. “Putting the Psyche Back in Psychology.” Process Papers: An Occasional Publication of the Association for Process Philosophy of Education. Vol. 7, February, pp. 12-21.

R.H. Regnier, “Holistic Apprehension in Education for the Soul.” Process Papers: An Occasional Publication of the Association for Process Philosophy of Education. Vol. 7, February, pp.22-31.

Woodhouse, H. “Learning the Value of Life.” Process Papers: An Occasional Publication of the Association for Process Philosophy of Edeucation.Vol. 7, February , pp.6-11.

Woodhouse, H. “Commercialising Research at the University of Saskatchewan.” Saskatchewan Notes: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Vol. 2, No. 8, pp.1-4.

Woodhouse, H.. “Strengthening Saskatchewan Communities Through Education.” Saskatchewan Notes: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Vol. 2, No.3, pp.1-4.


Symposium: The Teacher-Scholar Model of the University of Saskatchewan

Moderator/Discussant: Thompson, H.E.

Flynn, M. “Learning in the Process of Teaching.” In What is a Teacher-Scholar? Symposium Proceedings. The Gwenna Moss Teaching and Learning Centre, University of Saskatchewan, pp.1-10.

Regnier, R.H. “The Teacher-Scholar: Toward a Process Perspective on Undergraduate Learning.” In What is a Teacher-Scholar? Symposium Proceedings. The Gwenna Moss Teaching and Learning Centre, University of Saskatchewan, pp.11-16.

Woodhouse, H. “The False Promise of the ‘Teacher-Scholar Model’.” In What is a Teacher-Scholar? Symposium Proceedings. The Gwenna Moss Teaching and Learning Centre, University of Saskatchewan, pp.17-22.


Regnier, R. (2001). Practical approaches to process teaching. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Regnier, R. (2001). Learning as event in process teaching. University of Saskatchewan Process Philosphy Research Unit Interdisciplinary Seminar.

Woodhouse, H. (2001). Was Whitehead seduced by the market? Interchange, 32(4), 431-440

Woodhouse, H. (2001). The market model of education and the threat to Canadian universities. Encounters on Education, 2, 105-122.

Woodhouse, H. (2001). L'écoulement de l'eau comme métaphore de l'écoformation chez Whitehead. In R. Barbier and G. Pineau (eds). Les Eaux Écoformatrices. Paris: L'Harmattan, 261-267.

Woodhouse, H. (2001). Ultimately, life is not for sale. Interchange, 32(3), 217-232.

Woodhouse, H. (2001). In praise of idleness: Bertrand Russell's critical thinking about the global market. Inquiry (U.S. edition), 20(2), 27-35.

Woodhouse, H. (2001). Are closer ties with business undermining academic freedom? In L. Findley and P. Bidwell (eds.) Pursuing Academic Freedom: "Free and Fearless"? Saskatoon: Purich, 144-149.


Flynn, M. (2000) A critique of scientism not science per se. Interchange, 31(1), 83-86.

Flynn, M. (2000) Transforming what is there to what is here: The feel of knowledge in a university setting. Interchange, 31(2 & 3), 135-157.

Regnier, R. (2000). More better schools: Whitehead's legacy. Interchange, 31(1) 87-90.

Thompson, H. E. (2000). "Feeling' good: Knowing is more than motivation. Interchange, 31(1), 91-94.

Thompson, H. E. (2000). Interviewee: The Life and Work of E. M. Adams. Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Woodhouse, H. (2000) Overcoming tragedy. Interchange, 31(1), 79-82.

Woodhouse, H. (2000) The seduction of the market: Whitehead, Hutchins, and the Harvard Business School. Interchange, 31(2 & 3), 135-157.


Woodhouse, H. (1999) The rhythm of the university: Part one - teaching, learning, and administering in the Whiteheadian vain. Interchange, 30 (2), 191-211.

Woodhouse, H. (1999) The rhythm of the university: Part two - Whitehead's break with the mechanistic materialism of the 17th century science. Interchange, 30(3), 297-318.


Flynn, M., Kelly, & Soini, H. (1998) Education students' descriptions of 'learning disabilities'. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 86, 673-674.

Flynn, M., Soini, H., Kelly, I., & Tensing, M. (1998) Misidentified majority: The overestimation of the prevalence of learning disabilities by Finnish and Canadian education students. International Journal of Special Education. 13(1), 76-83.

Safr, V., & Woodhouse, H. (1998) Eastern, western, or pan-European? Recent educational change in the Czech Republic. European Education, 31(2), 72-94.

Soini, H., Flynn, M., & Tensing, M. (1998) Ongelmallinen oppimisvaikeus. Mita opettajaksi opiskelevat ajattelevat oppimisvaikeudesta (The problematic nature of 'learning disabillities'). NMI Bulletin, 2, 31-33.

Woodhouse, H. (1998) "Science as method: The conceptual link between Russell's philosophy and his educational theory." In Andrew Irvine (Ed.). Bertrand Russel: Critical assessments, Volume 4: History of philosophy, ethics, education, religion and politics. London: Routledge, 110-120.


Invited Symposium on Whitehead's 'Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness', History of Science and Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching International Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 1997.

Thompson, H. E. (1997) The fallacy of misplaced concreteness: Its importance for critical and creative inquiry. Interchange, 28(2 & 3), 219-230.

Flynn, M. (1997) The concept of intelligence in psychology as a fallacy of misplaced concreteness. Interchange, 28(2 & 3), 23 1-2~.

Regnier, R. (1997) Mathematics as the metaphysics of education: A misplaced foundation. Interchange, 28(2 & 3), 245-252.

Thompson, H. E. (1997). Humanism at Work, (ed), Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapell Hill.

Woodhouse, H. (1997) Tradition or modernity? The fallacy of misplaced concreteness among women science educators in Cameroon. Interchange, 28(2 7 3), 253-262.


Flynn, M. (1996) Process philosophy of education as an antidote to some systemic inhibitors of learning: Rethinking the concept of 'learning disabilities'. In G. D. Benson, & B. E. Griffith, Process. Epistemology and Education. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 125-143.

Regnier, R. (1996) The sacred circle: Foundation for a process pedagogy of healing. In G. D. Benson, & B. E. Griffith, Process. Epistemology and Education. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 87-104.

Thompson, H. E. (1996) Pit-Collies in the classroom: A process model for teaching about relativism in the philosophy of sexuality. In G. D. Benson, & B. E. Griffith, Process. Epistemology and Education. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 113-124.

Woodhouse, H. (1996) Process philosophy and global education. Griffith, Process. Epistemology and Education. Toronto: 25-42. In G. D. Benson, & B. E. Canadian Scholars Press,

Woodhouse, H. (1996) Feelings as the foundation. Process Papers, New Series, 1, 39-45.


Symposium on Process Philosophy of Education, Interchange Special Edition

Woodhouse, H. (1995) Why Whitehead? Introduction to a symposium on process philosophy of education. Interchange, 26(4), 341-345.

Woodhouse, H. (1995) Towards a process theory of learning: feeling the beauty of the world. Interchange, 26(4), 347-3M.

Flynn, M. (1995) Conflicting views on the importance of emotion to human development and growth: Piaget and Whitehead. Interchange, 26(4), 365-381.

Regnier, R. (1995) Bridging western and first nations thought: Balanced education in Whitehead's philosophy of organism and the sacred circle. Interchange 26(4), 383-415.


Regnier, R. (1994) The sacred circle: A process pedagogy of healing. Interchange, 25(2), 129-144 (Canadian Association of Foundations of Education Prize for best article published in the field, 1993/1994).

Woodhouse, H. (1994) The rhythm of the university. Communications du Collogue: Les Rythmes Éducatifs dans Ia Philosophie de Whitehead. Centre de Recherche et d'Études en Science de lÉducation, Université Catholique de Lille, Lille, France, 1-41.


Woodhouse, H. (1992/93) Russell and Whitehead on the process of growth in education. Russell: The Journal of the Bertrand Russell Archives. New Series. 12(2), 133-158.

Thompson, H. E. (1993) Writing our own book: Some principles of process philosophy of education exemplified in a pedagogic adventure. Proceedings of the Sewanee Conference on Fundamental Principles of Pedagogy. Association for Process Philosophy of Education, Belle Mead, New Jersey, 152-174.


Flynn, M. (1992) The need for a process perspective in the study of 'learning disabilities'. Process Papers, 15, 1-36.

Woodhouse, H. (1992) Literacy: A process of interpreting the world as a text. Journal of Arts Management. Law and Society, 22(2), 174-188.

Woodhouse, H. (1992) Northrop Frye on academic freedom: A critique. Interchange, 23 (1 & 2), 71-89.

Articles in Non-Refereed Journals

Woodhouse, H. “Re: ‘Different Pipers, Different Tunes,’ by Ian D. Clark,” Literary Review of Canada . Vol. 18, No. 5, June, p.31.

Woodhouse, H. “Corporatized Universities Devalue Education.” Toronto Star. 15th November, p.A21.

Woodhouse, H. “The Big Ideas of 2008.” Adbusters: Journal of the Mental Environment. February.

Woodhouse, H. “No Logo.” Vox, November, p.1.

Woodhouse, H. “Privatization Threatens University Autonomy.” Canadian Association of University Teachers Bulletin, November, pp.A3, A7.

Woodhouse, H. “Why standardize student evaluations of teaching?” On Campus News, 4th March, p.4.