If you are interested in applying to the NSERC CREATE SAFER program, first select and contact a potential advisor from the list of SAFER professors to discuss your research interests and potential participation in the program. If approved by the professor, you will be asked to submit a dossier as described below.
The International Master in Applied Ecology (IMAE) program requires that students submit a dossier to be evaluated by the IMAE program committee, and 20 students are shortlisted for acceptance. The dossiers of any of the 20 IMAE-shortlisted students who have indicated that they are interested in SAFER will be considered as part of the SAFER selection process.
The SAFER selection process will be the same for Canadian and IMAE applicants. The process involves the applicant submitting:
i) One-page essay outlining the student’s professional goals
ii) Reference letter from an academic supervisor
iii) Transcripts
iv) Two-minute video describing how the student will contribute to the program
The Science Committee will review applicant files and rank students based on suitability including academic merit, experience in fertilizer or related industry, consistency with program goals, communication and personal skills (video), and gender equity.
Selected candidates will be invited to complete a formal application to the respective degree program.
Student Scholarships or Stipends
Successful applicants will receive CREATE stipends budgeted at:
- $17,500/yr for two years for Master’s
- $21,000/yr for three years for PhD students