Subhasinghe I, Ahmed KA, Ayalew LE, Gautam H, Popowich S, Matsuyama-Kato A, Chow-Lockerbie B, Tikoo SK, Griebel P and S Gomis. 2024. Induction of trained immunity in broiler chickens following delivery of oligodeoxynucleotides containing CpG motifs to protect against Escherichia coli septicemia. Sci Rep. 14:18882.
Gautam H, Shaik NA, Banaganapalli B, Popowich S, Subhasinghe I, Ayalew LE, Mandal R, Wishart DS, Tikoo SK and S Gomis. 2024. Elevated levels of butyric acid in the jejunum of an animal model of broiler chickens: from early onset of Clostridium perfringens infection to clinical disease of necrotic enteritis. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 15(1):144. doi. 10.1186/s40104-024-01105-5.
Subhasinghe I, Matsuyama-Kato A, Ahmed KA, Ayalew LE, Gautam H, Popowich S, Chow-Lockerbie B, Tikoo SK, Griebel P and S Gomis. 2024. Oligodeoxynucleotides containing CpG morifs upregulate bactericidal activities of heterophils to enhance immunoprotection of neonatal broielr chicknes against Salmonella Typhimurium septicemia. Poult Sci. 106(10):104078.
Gautam H, Ayalew LE, Shaik NA, Subhasinghe I, Popowich S, Chow-Lockerbie B, Dixon A, Ahmed KA, Tikoo SK and S Gomis. 2024. Exploring the predictive power of jejunal microbiome composition in clinical and subclinical necrotic enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens: insights from a broiler chicken model. J Transl Med. 22(1), p.80. doi: 10.1186/s12967-023-04728-w.
Ayalew LE, Popowich S, Chow-Lockerbie B, Gautam H, Subhasinghe I, Ahmed KA, Tikoo SK, Ojkic D and S Gomis. 2023. Development of a multivalent adjuvanted inactivated vaccine against variant arthrotropic avain reoviruses. Front Vet Sci. 10:1209597.
Kurukulasuriya S, Ahmed KA, Ojkic D, Gunawardana T, Goonewardene K, Gupta A, Popowich S, Willson P, Tikoo SK and S Gomis. 2022. Evaluation of five circulation strains of variant infectious bursal disease virus (varIBDV) for their immunogenicity as broiler breeder vaccines and protective efficacy in neonatal broiler chicks. Vaccine. S0264-410X(22)01000-3. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.08.021. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36008236.
Karunarathna R, Ahmed KA, Goonewardene K, Gunawardana T, Kurukulasuriya S, Liu M, Gupta A, Popowich S, Ayalew LE, Chow-Lockerbie B, Willson P, Ngleka M and S Gomis. 2022. Exposure of embryonating eggs to Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli potentiates E. coli pathogenicity and increases mortality of neonatal chickens. Poult Sci. 3(101(3)): 101983.
Gunawardana T, Ahmed KA, Popowich S, Kurukulasuriya S, Chow-Lockerbie B, Karunarathna R, Ayalew LE, Liu M, Tikoo SK and S Gomis. 2022. Comparison of therapeutic antibiotics, probiotics, and synthetic CpG-ODNs for protective efficacy against Escherichia coli lethal infection and impact on the immune system in neonatal broiler chickens. Avian Dis. doi: 10.1637/aviandiseases-D-22-00011.
Ayalew LE, Ahmed KA, Popowich S, Chow-Lockerbie B, Gupta A, Tikoo SK, Ojkic D and S Gomis. 2022. Virulence of emerging arthrotropic avian reoviruses correlates with their ability to activate and traffic interferon-y producing cytotoxic CD8+ T cells into gastrocnemius tendon. Frontiers.
Goonewardene K, Karu N, Ahmed KA, Popowich S, Chow-Lockerbie B, Ayalew LE, Karunarathna R, Gunawardana T, Liu M, Tikoo SK, Foldvari M, Willson P, Mandal R, Wishart DS and S Gomis. 2021. CpG induced antimicrobial immunity in neonatal chicks involves a substantial shift in serum metabolic profiles. Sci Rep. 11:9028.
Goonewardene K, Popowich S, Gebhardt S, Gunawardana T, Gupta A, Kurukulasuriya S, Karunarathna R, Liu M, Chow-Lockerbie B, Ayalew L, Ahmed KA, Kamali H, Tikoo SK, Foldvari M, Willson P, Boire J, Roberts K, Ambrose N, Simonson C and S Gomis. 2021. Aerosol delivery of synthetic DNA containing CpG motifs in broiler chicks at hatch under field conditions using a commercial-scale prototype nebulizer provided protection against lethal Escherichia coli septicemia. Poult Sci.
Ayalew LE, Ahmed KA, Mekuria ZH, Lockerbie B, Popowich S, Tikoo SK, Ojkic D and S Gomis. 2020. The dynamics of molecular evolution of emerging avian reoviruses through accumulation of point mutations and genetic re-assortment. Virus Evol. 10:6(1):veaa025. doi:10.1093/ve/veaa025.
Goonewardene K, Ahmed KA, Gunawardana T, Popowich S, Kurukulasuriya S, Karunarathna R, Gupta A, Ayalew LE, Chow-Lockerbie B, Foldvari M, Tikoo SK, Willson P and S Gomis. 2020. Mucosal delivery of CpG-ODN mimicking bacterial DNA via the intrapulmonary route induces systemic antimicrobial immune responses in neonatal chicks. Sci Rep. 10(1):5343.
Karunarathna R, Ahmed KA, Liu M, Yu C, Popowich S, Goonewardene K, Gunawardana T, Kurukulasuriya S, Gupta A, Ayalew L, Willson P, Ngeleka M and S Gomis. 2020. Non-viable chicken embryos: an overlooked niche harbouring a significant source of multidrug resistant bacteria in poultry production. Int J Vet Sci Med. 8(1):9-17.
Gunawardana T, Ahmed KA, Goonewardene K, Popowich S, Kurukulasuriya S, Karunarathna R, Ayalew LE, Gupta A, Chow-Lockerbie B, Foldvari M, Tikoo SK, Willson P and S Gomis. 2020. CpG-ODN induces a dose-dependent enrichment of immunological niches in the spleen and lungs of neonatal chicks that correlates with the protective immunity against Escherichia coli. J Immunol.
Gunawardana T, Ahmed KA, Goonewardene K, Popowich S, Kurukulasuriya S, Karunarathna R, Gupta A, Chow-Lockerbie B, Foldvari M, Tikoo SK, Willson P and S Gomis. 2019. Synthetic CpG-ODN rapidly enriches immune compartments in neonatal chicks to induce protective immunity against bacterial infections. Sci Rep. 9(1):341.
Amarasinghe A, Popowich S, De Silva Senapathi U, Sarjoon Abdul-Cader M, Marshall F, van der Meer F, Cork SC, Gomis S and MF Abdul-Careem. 2018. Shell-less egg syndrome (SES) widespread in western Canadian later operations is linked to a Massachusetts (Mass) type infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) isolate. Viruses. 10(437), doi:10.3390/v10080437.
Popowich S, Gupta A, Chow-Lockerbie B, Ayalew L, Ambrose N, Ojkic D, Gunawardana T, Kurukulasuriya S, Willson P, Tikoo SK and S Gomis. 2018. Broad spectrum protection of broiler chickens against inclusion body hepatitis by immunizing their broiler breeder parents with a bivalent live fowl adenovirus vaccine. Res Vet Sci. 118:262-269.
Gupta A, Popowich S, Ojkic D, Kurukulasuriya S, Chow-Lockerbie B, Gunawardana T, Goonewardene K, Karunarathna R, Ayalew LE, Ahmed KA, Tikoo SK, Willson P and S Gomis. 2017. Inactivated and live bivalent fowl adenovirus (FAdV8b + FAdV11) breeder vaccines provide broad-spectrum protection in chicks against inclusion body hepatitis (IBH). Vaccine. 36:744-750.
Karunarathna R, Popowich S, Wawryk M, Chow-Lockerbie B, Ahmed KA, Yu C, Liu M, Goonewardene K, Gunawardana T, Kurukulasuriya S, Gupta A, Willson P, Ambrose N, Ngeleka M and S Gomis. 2017. Increased incidence of Enterococcal infection in nonviable broiler chicken embryos in western Canadian hatcheries as detected by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Avian Dis. 61:472-480.
Goonewardene K, Popowich S, Gunawardana T, Gupta A, Kurukulasuriya S, Karunarathna R, Chow-Lockerbie B, Ahmed KA, Tikoo SK, Foldvari M, Willson P and S Gomis. 2017. Intrapulmonary delivery of CpG-ODN microdroplets provides protection against Escherichia coli septicemia in neonatal broiler chickens. Avian Dis. 61(4):503-511.
Ayalew LE, Gupta A, Fricke J, Ahmed KA, Popowich S, Lockerbie B, Tikoo SK, Ojkic D, and S Gomis. 2017. Phenotypic, genotypic andantigenic characterization of emerging avian reoviruses isolated from clinical cases of arthritis in broilers in Saskatchewan, Canada. Scientific Reports. 7:3565 - 3577.
Gupta A, Ahmed KA, Ayalew LE, Popowich S, Kurukulasuriya S, Goonewardene K, Gunawardana T, Karunarathna R, Ojkic D, Tikoo SK, Willson P and S Gomis. 2017. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of virus-like particles and recombinant fiber proteins in broiler-breeder vaccination against fowl adenovirus (FAdV)-8b. Vaccine. 35:2716-2722.
Kurukulasuriya S, Ahmed KA, Ojkic D, Gunawardana T, Goonewardene K, Gupta A, Chow-Lockerbie B, Popowich S, Willson P, Tikoo SK and S Gomis. 2017. Modified live infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) vaccine delays infection of neonatal broiler chickens with variant IBDV compared to turkey herpesvirus (HVT)-IBDV vectored vaccine. Vaccine. 35(6):882-888.
Zachar T, Popowich S, Goodhope B, Knezacek T, Ojkic D, Willson P, Ahmed KA and S Gomis. 2016. A 5-year study of the incidence and economic impact of variant infectious bursal disease viruses on broiler production in Saskatchewan, Canada. Can J Vet Res. 80(4): 255-261.
Kurukulasuriya S, Ahmed KA, Ojkic D, Gunawardana T, Gupta A, Goonewardene K, Karunaratne R, Popowich S, Willson P, Tikoo SK and S Gomis. 2016. Circulating strains of variant infectious bursal disease virus may pose a challenge for antibiotic-free chicken farming in Canada. Res Vet Sci. 108:54-59.
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Gunawardana T, Foldvari M, Zachar T, Popowich S, Chow-Lockerbie B, Ivanova MV, Tikoo SK, Kurukulasuriya S, Willson P and S Gomis. 2015. Protection of neonatal broiler chickens following in-ovo delivery of oligodeoxynucleotides containing CpG motifs (CpG-ODN) formulated with carbon nanotubes or liposomes. Avian Dis. 59(1):31-37.
Taghavi A, Allan B, Mutwiri G, Foldvari M, Van Kessel A, Willson P, Babiuk L, Potter A and S Gomis. 2009. Enhancement of immunoprotective effect of CpG-ODN by formulation by polyphosphazenes against E. coli septicemia in neonatal chickens. Curr Drug Deliv. 6(1):76-82.
Taghavi A, Allan B, Mutwiri G, Van Kessel A, Willson P, Babiuk L, Potter A and S Gomis. 2008. Protection of neonatal broiler chicks against Salmonella Typhimurium septicemia by DNA containing CpG motifs. Avian Dis. 52(3):398-406.
Ojkic D, Martin E, Swinton J, Vaillancourt JP, Boulianne M and S Gomis. 2008. Genotyping of Canadian isolates of fowl adenoviruses. Avian Pathol. 37(1):95-100.
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Gomis S, Babiuk L, Allan B, Willson P, Waters E, Ambrose N, Hecker R and A Potter. 2004. Protection of neonatal chicks against a lethal challenge of Escherichia coli using DNA containing cytosine-phosphodiester-guanine motifs. Avian Dis. 48(4):813-822.