
Past Webinars

Evaluating Reconciliation and Treaty Implementation in Saskatchewan: What does success look like, how are we evaluating, and how will we know if change is happening?

Originally recorded Thursday, March 18, 2021. Using its stature as a neutral provincial facilitator, the Office of the Treaty Commissioner is working to support a provincial movement for Truth and Reconciliation through Treaty Implementation. The OTC has been working since 2013 to build from the grass-roots a vision of successful truth, reconciliation and Treaty implementation, and a methodology that measures true progress. The measurement framework we have developed aims to: 1) measure collective impact towards truth, reconciliation and Treaty Implementation in Saskatchewan; 2) to inspire action within Saskatchewan’s peoples, organizations, and system sectors; and 3) to inform reconciliation learning across the province. 

We are looking for researchers and others who would like to collaborate on this work. Hear about the evaluation methods we are developing, our tools for baseline mapping and action planning of Reconciliation efforts in organizations, and our plans to develop a larger research program evaluating Reconciliation and Treaty implementation in Saskatchewan and beyond.  

Speakers: Mary Culbertson, Treaty Commissioner of Saskatchewan and Rhett Sangster, Director, Reconciliation and Community Partnerships, Office of the Treaty Commissioner

Co-hosted by FMHRN, the NEIHR National Coordinating Centre, and the Office of the Treaty Commissioner


What can the Canadian Hub for Applied Social Research (CHASR) offer you?

Canadian Hub for Applied and Social Research (CHASR) Services and Research Supports 

Originally recorded February 11, 2021. At this webinar, CHASR Director Jason Disano introduced CHASR’s services and research supports, and University of Saskatchewan researcher Dr. Stacey Lovo talked about how CHASR supported the Musculoskeletal Health and Access to Care research team on a project working with a Northern community to address chronic back pain. Dr. Lovo is an Assistant Professor in the School of Rehabilitation Science and Principal Investigator in the First Nations and Métis Health Research Network.

Jason Disano, Director, Canadian Hub for Applied and Social Research (CHASR, https://chasr.usask.ca/)

Dr. Stacey Lovo, Assistant Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science, USask, and Principal Applicant, First Nations and Métis Health Research Network


Indigenous Community Responses to COVID in Urban and Related Homelands 

Originally recorded Wednesday, October 14, 2020

A discussion with Dr. Janet Smylie, MD, FCFP, MPH, a respected international leader in Indigenous health and Director of Well Living House in Toronto, an action research centre for Indigenous infants, children, and their families' health and wellbeing (focusing on the Toronto urban environment), and the National Association of Friendship Centres (focusing on national responses to COVID-19).

Co-hosted by Well Living House, the National Association of Friendship Centres, and the NEIHR National Coordinating Centre.


Indigenous communities holding research funds: what's involved? Pros and cons? A discussion with Dr. Caroline Tait

Originally recorded October 8, 2020. Dr. Caroline Tait has developed a hybrid model for communities holding funds as part of the Saskatchewan NEIHR network, to increase communities' access to research funds and discusses the pros, cons, and other considerations during this webinar. 

This event was co-hosted by the NEIHR National Coordinating Centre, the Saskatchewan First Nations and Metis Health and Wellness Research, Training, and Knowledge Mobilization Network (FMHRN), and the Manitoba NEIHR network Kishaadigeh: Indigenous Self Determination through Research for our Future Generations.


COVID-19: Perspectives from our work in partnership with First Nations communities in Saskatchewan

This webinar highlights the ways in which the Indigenous Wellness Research Community Network and Wellness Wheel Medical clinic are empowering and strengthening capacity with partner First Nations through prevention, testing, and health promotion strategies. 
With Dr. JoLee Sasakamoose, PhD and Dr. Stuart Skinner, MD, DTMH, FRCPC
Hosted in partnership by the Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis Health and Wellness Research Network and the NEIHR National Coordinating Centre

What is the Alberta NEIHR IPHCPR Network?

The Indigenous Primary Health Care and Policy Research (IPHCPR) Network is an Alberta-based research network for improving Primary Health Care with Indigenous peoples.

Our vision is to promote a renewed and transformed Primary Health Care system to achieve Indigenous health equity. We are aligned with principles and health legacy Calls to Action advocated by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC).

The IPHCPR Network aims to bring together and support Indigenous communities, researchers, health system leaders, and health service providers to share knowledge and create dialogue aimed at improving health outcomes with Indigenous peoples.

For a quick overview of our IPHCPR Network watch the podcast video.