RESOLVE SK at the PATHS 2022 Conference

Three RESOLVE SK projects were presented at this year’s PATHS Conference.

Three RESOLVE SK projects were shared at this year’s PATHS Conference, “Regrouping and Recharging: Gathering to Create Sustainable Change,” which took place October 19-20 in Regina, SK.

The first was Three Videos Project: Promoting Indigenous Approaches to Violence Prevention. Jonathan Ballantyne and Bernadette Hillier of Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Health Services gave a presentation discussing the creation of three video resources to be used in men’s violence prevention groups. These videos feature survivors, Elders, and community members and provide an opportunity to share traditional knowledge about healthy families and discuss the role of men as protectors within Indigenous communities. This project was funded by an SHRF Truth and Action: Research Connections grant.

The second was Responding to Women Who Experience IPV in Rural Municipalities in Saskatchewan. Karen Wood of RESOLVE SK and Crystal Giesbrecht of PATHS shared the Saskatchewan findings from a tri-provincial study led by RESOLVE Manitoba exploring rural women’s experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) and help-seeking across the Prairie Provinces. They discussed the unique context of IPV on the prairies and shared challenges faced by rural survivors as well as recommendations for improving services for rural women. This project was funded by PrairieAction Foundation.  

Finally, Intimate Partner Violence in Saskatchewan’s 2SLGBTQ+ Communities, a presentation discussing the findings of the study “Examining the Nature and Context of IPV in the 2SLGBTQ+ Community,” was given by Shaylyn White. This presentation shared the Saskatchewan findings from a tri-provincial study led by RESOLVE Manitoba exploring 2SLGBTQ+ experiences of IPV and help-seeking across the Prairie Provinces. This project was also funded by PrairieAction Foundation.

Information about all three projects can be found under Current Projects.