Happening Now

REALTalk Saskatchewan Open Sessions - Next session: March 25 2025

STOPS to Violence has partnered with Sagesse, an Alberta-based leader in domestic violence prevention, to bring their Recognize, Empathize, Ask, Listen: REAL Talk program to communities across Saskatchewan. Open sessions will be held regularly, with the next session taking place March 25 at 5:30pm CST. For more information, including registration, click here.


Workshop: Draw the Line Against Transphobic Violence in Schools - March 27 2025

Draw the Line Against Transphobic Violence is a free, 90-minute, instructor-led webinar that will help participants recognize harmful dynamics, and build skills for fostering cultures of consent, gender inclusion, and healthier relationships overall. This session is designed for students, educators, administrators, and staff in both secondary and post-secondary schools in Canada. Join us in creating awareness that leads to action. When we empower students, staff, and educators to take steps towards allyship, we can build inclusive schools. For more information, including registration, click here.


Conference: 2025 SaskSPCA Gathering for Animal and Human Welfare - April 11 and 12 2025

Registration is now open for the 2025 SaskSPCA Gathering for Animal and Human Welfare. This gathering is open to all individuals from the human and animal sectors interested in the interface between humans and animals. 
Topics include: 
  • Engaging allies in gender-based violence community education
  • Impacts of animal-assisted service research
  • Indigenous values with the land and animals

For more information, including registration click here.


Webinar: Leveraging Digital Interventions for GBV Prevention and Support - April 15 2025

As the world increasingly moves online, so do efforts to prevent and address gender-based violence (GBV). Digital interventions present new opportunities to expand access, reduce wait times, provide critical support to survivors and those at risk, and foster safer communities for all. This webinar will discuss what opportunities and challenges =these approaches present, what ethical and accessibility challenges do they pose, and how can service providers ensure that digital tools truly meet the needs of diverse populations. For more information, including registration, click here.

STOPS to Violence Calendar of Events

There are many opportunities to learn more about capacity and/or community building related to violence prevention here in Saskatchewan.

Every Child Matters

The discovery of the remains of 215 Indigenous children in an undocumented mass gravesite at the Kamloops Indian Residential School is a devastating and painful reminder of the colonial policies that continue to impact the lives of Indigenous Peoples. Our thoughts are with these children, the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation, residential school survivors, and all who mourn these children and others yet to be found. We call on the Government of Canada, our provincial governments, and Churches to recognize the genocide inflicted on Indigenous Peoples and address the harms done. We honour the lives of those children. Our thoughts and hearts are with their families and loved ones.

During this difficult time, the following community-based supports are available:

  • The Indian Residential School Survivors Society at 1-800-721-0066 along with a 24-hour crisis line at 1-866-925-4419 for those who need immediate support.
  • The KUU-US Crisis Line Society provides an Indigenous-specific crisis line available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's toll-free and can be reached at 1-800-588-8717.
  • The First Nations Health Authority offers support specifically for survivors and families who have been directly impacted by the Indian Residential School system.


Stories from RESOLVE

In 2022, RESOLVE wrapped up a project on the nature and context of IPV in the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Principle investigator Dr. Kendra Nixon and RESOLVE MB research technician Ashley Haller wrote an article about what participants in this project had to say about their experience with police.


Three RESOLVE SK projects were presented at the PATHS 2022 Conference, “Regrouping and Recharging: Gathering to Create Sustainable Change."

At the PATHS 2022 Conference, Jo-Anne Dusel was recognized for her dedication to creating communities safe from violence and abuse.

RESOLVE SK is proud to welcome Dr. Jorden Cummings (they/she) as our new Director! Dr. Cummings is a Professor in the Department of Psychology & Health Studies at the University of Saskatchewan. Please join us in celebrating her new role in the RESOLVE network!

The Interpersonal Violence Disclosure Protocol Act (Clare’s Law)

by Jo-Anne Dusel & Crystal Giesbrecht, Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS)

The Interpersonal Violence Disclosure Protocol Act, better known as Clare’s Law, is provincial legislation that came into force in Saskatchewan on June 29, 2020. Saskatchewan is the first province in Canada to enact Clare’s Law, though other jurisdictions such as Alberta and Newfoundland are also in the process of developing similar legislation. The Act itself is accompanied by the Interpersonal Violence Disclosure (Clare’s Law) Regulations and the Interpersonal Violence Disclosure Protocol. The legislation is designed to facilitate the disclosure of risk information in order to prevent future victimization by legally authorizing police to disclose information to current or potential intimate partners for the purpose of informing and protecting individuals who are at risk.

The Protocol is based on the UK model but has been adapted to fit the needs in Saskatchewan. The Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS) worked on this protocol alongside the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Corrections and Policing.

Clare’s Law was first established in the United Kingdom in 2014. It is named after Clare Wood, a woman who was murdered by a former partner. Police were aware that he had a record of violence, but that information was never disclosed to Clare, despite her seeking help from police for stalking and harassment from the man who would later brutally murder her. After her death, Clare’s father advocated for this legislation in the UK, firmly believing that if Clare had known about her partner’s history of violence towards women, she would have made different choices and still be alive today.

Clare’s Law is proactive, not reactive. It gives a potential victim an informed choice—before violence happens. This legislation is not designed for individuals in already in established relationships where abuse is occurring, as they already know they are at risk. Rather, it serves to interrupt the impact of serial domestic abusers by informing subsequent and/or potential partners of the risk posed by the individual they are becoming involved with. Domestic violence death reviews consistently show that a history of domestic violence and other related criminal activity is a major risk factor for future violence, therefore Clare’s Law is an evidence-based approach to reducing incidents of intimate partner violence and risk of intimate homicide.

There are two pillars of Clare’s Law, the “right to know”, and, the “right to ask”. The “right to know” comes into play when police become aware that an individual is at risk and they initiate the disclosure. One example of how this may take place is a situation where neighbours hear a dispute and call the police. If there is no evidence that a crime has taken place when the police arrive and the individuals involved choose not to make a statement, there may not be much the police can do. However, if police discover that one individual has a history of violence against a previous intimate partner or a history of sexualized violence, Clare’s Law can enable them to share information with the current partner and potentially prevent them from experiencing future violence and abuse.

The “right to ask” allows for someone who feels they may be at risk to make a Clare’s Law application at a municipal police service. The officer or civilian police service member will take some information around the context of the request to ensure that it fits with the intent of Clare’s Law. For example, requests that are seeking information about an ex-partner or in an attempt to gain information for reasons other than safety may be denied. An initial check will be conducted to ensure that the individual making the application is not in immediate danger. If it is determined that they are in immediate danger, safeguarding actions will be taken by police. If the initial discussion with the applicant reveals that a chargeable offense has taken place the police must pursue it, but this does not mean that the request for disclosure of past police involvement or convictions cannot move forward.

Professionals who work in specified occupations, such as shelter workers, domestic and family violence counsellors, police, lawyers, social workers, psychologists, and nurses may assist with or make an application on behalf of an applicant, with the consent of the applicant. Parents or guardians may also make an application on behalf of someone under 18 or someone who does not have capacity to apply on their own. It is important to note that the Protocol also allows for individuals with a close personal knowledge of someone with a history of using violence in relationships to make an application under Clare’s Law. This means that former partners of abusers can initiate the process so that a new partner may receive disclosure information, warning them that they may be at risk.

The Protocol is a four-part process. First, there is the initiation of the process, either by an individual applicant, or by a police service. Next, assessment of risk takes place through police record checks and gathering information from the applicant. Third, the multi-sector review committee reviews the available information and makes a recommendation, before the fourth step where a disclosure is made to the person at risk.

The multi-sector review committee is made up of representatives from community (PATHS), Victims Services, and law enforcement and has access to anonymized information, including: relevant criminal convictions; relevant criminal charges; diversions (charges dealt with by an alternative process, such as domestic violence court); police warnings; and other concerning behaviour known to police. They may receive the text of complainants’ statements in police records, if available, which can help to flag risk factors that are not criminal in nature such as coercive controlling behavior and mental health or substance use issues. Unfortunately, the amount of information available may be negatively impacted by the RCMP’s decision not to participate in Clare’s Law. The multi-sector committee reviews the information provided and collectively determines the level of risk, if a disclosure is recommended, and who should receive the disclosure. The final decision to disclose or not rests with the police service that received the application, as the information legally belongs to the police.

Even cases where no risk information is found the individual making the application will be told that this is not a guarantee that they are not at risk and they will be provided with referrals for risk assessment and safety planning. If there is an imminent risk of harm, the process can jump directly from initiation or assessment of risk to disclosure. Protocols are in place to ensure the safety of the applicants including ensuring that a safe contact number is obtained and that the disclosure meeting is held at a location that is deemed safe by the applicant.

The disclosure information will include the multi-sector review committee’s determination of level of risk – high, medium or low. While no personal information or specifics from the police file will be disclosed, relevant criminal convictions and pending charges are public record and will likely be shared. Additional relevant information may include if the individual has access to weapons, as well as a listing of risk factors that may not be criminal but demonstrate increased risk and information about support services. Efforts will be made to have violence against women advocates or victim services present to provide safety planning and risk assessment after the disclosure. At a minimum, referral information will be provided.

Individuals who receive a disclosure under Clare’s Law must sign a confidentiality agreement in which they agree that they commit to only using the information provided within their circle of care to keep themselves and others, including children, safe; to ask what support is available and who to contact if they believe they or others are at risk; and to ask for advice on how to keep themselves and others safe. The disclosure is verbal– nothing concerning the disclosure is given in print.

As mentioned, the RCMP has, so far, declined to participate in Clare’s Law despite provinces such as Alberta and Newfoundland moving forward with similar legislation. A Saskatchewan resident, Anika Henderson, who lost a family member to intimate partner homicide, has initiated a petition, Petition e-2767, to the federal Minister of Justice, which calls upon the federal government to amend the current federal Privacy Act to allow for an exemption to the Act, for the purposes of sharing information in the interests of protecting individuals from risk related to intimate partner violence. The petition is open until November 5th. As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Protocol was amended to allow municipal police to take applications over the phone as opposed to requiring in-person requests. This has the advantage of also allowing individuals who live in rural and remote areas served by the RCMP to access Clare’s Law by contacting municipal police by phone.

Only a small number of applications have been submitted and reviewed to date, but in each of these cases the multi-sector review committee made a recommendation to disclose. As the cases are being reviewed, it has become even more clear that Clare’s Law has the ability to proactively protect individuals from risk of harm or death from serial perpetrators of violence.

On International Women’s Day 2020, Karen went to British Columbia representing RESOLVE Saskatchewan to lead a conversation titled: “Shhh… talk about it: Elephants in the room and gender equality” at Houston's International Women's Day Dinner Event. She focused on where we are with gender equality/equity in Canada, recognizing that gender inequality  is the foundation that enables gender-based violence. 

Karen drew attention to the silence surrounding violence towards women and girls: the Elephant in the room. She mentions three “invisibility cloaks” wrapped around the Elephant: Social Norms; Not knowing what violence is; and Harm Narrative. The first two “cloaks” were familiar to me, yet the “Harm Narrative” caught my attention. According to Karen, it is a reminder to look at the violence issue more broadly. The Harm Narrative places the woman as the problem, deflecting attention away from who is harming her. One of the questions Karen is exploring is how we can support individuals and families who are experiencing abuse, who want to disengage from the harm while keeping the relationship intact. Karen’s hope is that we can find ways to support women who are experiencing IPV, whether or not they remain in the relationship and support her and her family in finding different ways to end the abuse. By shifting the focus and "adopting safety rather than leaving as the desired outcome, we are taking more responsibility for keeping women safe” (Yoshioka & Choi, 2005) while respecting her needs and autonomy.

Karen also approached topics on what we can do and how to help someone, concluding her intervention with a call to action for everyone in the community to help prevent violence.

Archived News and Events

Webinar: Keeping Kids Safe Online - March 21 2025

Children of the Street and The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute presented a free interactive webinar for parents, caregivers, and community groups to better understand how to help children stay safe online. This webinar covered critical topics such as online sexual exploitation, red flags for grooming and luring, sextortion, peer-to-peer exploitation, and more.



Webinar: Workplace Harassment and Violence Against 2SLGBTQIA+ Populations: Microaggressions as a Form of Gender-Based Violence - March 19 2025

For those working in the gender-based violence (GBV) sector, understanding the unique challenges faced by 2SLGBTQIA+ populations in the workplace is crucial to providing comprehensive support, advocacy and safety at work. This session sought to equip GBV professionals with the knowledge to address these issues within their organizations.


Webinar: Improving Access to Justice Through Safeguards in Parenting Assessments - March 11 2025

This webinar hosted by AVA Partners, A2A, the FREDA Centre and CREVAWC discussed a report on parenting assessments in BC published by Rise Women’s Legal Center. The report's co-authors, Gina Addario-Berry and Magal Huberman, discussed their findings and their recommendations under the main themes of evaluators’ training and experience, practice standards, financial barriers, and judicial gatekeeping and oversight.



Webinar: Emerging Issues in Technology-Enabled Domestic Violence - March 6 2025

The online spaces, apps and devices relied upon by victims also consistently present new threats to their digital safety and well-being. These include AI-powered image abuse, advanced financial scams, image-based stalking and more. This session offered a comprehensive exploration of this new landscape, followed by a discussion around practical safety strategies.


Webinar: The Alliance against Violence & Adversity (AVA) Opportunities & Investments: Community Healthcare Leaders and Scholars Partnering to Address Gender-Based Violence with Dr. Nicole Letourneau and Dr. Kharah Ross - February 26 2025

Click here for more information. 


Webinar: Building a protective community for all children and adolescents: Best practices in sexual violence prevention and intervention - February 25 2025

In Quebec, in 2023-2024, 2548 reports were retained by youth protection in connection with a situation of sexual abuse or risk of sexual abuse (Youth Protection Directors, 2024). These statistics are believed to be unrepresentative of reality, since they represent only the facts that have been reported to the authorities and have been deemed to be well-founded in their eyes. Thus, all unreported sexual violence, or all victims who have not been believed, represent an invisible portion absent from these statistics. The aim of this presentation was to make professionals aware of the extent of the problem of sexual violence in childhood and adolescence, and of best practices in prevention and intervention in this field. For more information, click here.

Online Event: Launching Bold Solutions to End Childhood Sexual Violence - February 5 and 6 2025

To Zero and Safe Futures Hub hosted an online event about a global vision to end childhood sexual violence, as well as practice- and evidence-based solutions. This event highlighted two new pivotal reports:

  • A Vision to Zero: A roadmap to ending childhood sexual violence.
  • Building Safe Futures: Solutions to end childhood sexual violence.

For more information, click here.

Virtual Forum: Seeds of Possibility: Understanding Alternative Justice Practices in the Gender-Based Violence Sector - February 4 & 5 2025

This Virtual Forum provided an opportunity to learn more about alternative justice practices within the context of GBV work in Canada. Diverse speakers focused on the history and core principles of alternative justice practices and share the strategies, challenges and opportunities for advancing them within the GBV sector and movement. For more information,, click here.

Webinar: Sustaining the Sector: Systemic Change to Address GBV Worker Wellbeing - January 28 2025

Gender-based Violence (GBV) workers face high levels of stress and fatigue due to challenging working conditions and ongoing trauma exposure, making it difficult to maintain wellbeing. Many of these challenges are systemic, including insufficient mental health supports, low salaries, precarious work and overwhelming caseloads. This session discussed the work being done to address these concerns, including initiatives that introduce the concept of collective care and how it can be applied to improve GBV worker wellbeing. For more information, click here.

Webinar: Men's Real Talk - December 19 2024

REAL Talk webinars are for those interested in how to:

  • recognize domestic abuse,
  • understand the impact of domestic abuse
  • becoming comfortable with responding to domestic abuse disclosures in everyday contexts

This webinar will specifically discuss the invisibility of men's experiences of domestic abuse, and how we can do better within our communities in providing support and accountability for men. The next upcoming session is on December 19th, 2024 at 10 am CST. Click here to register.


Webinar: Understanding and Preventing the Threat of Sextortion - December 12 2024

The internet has created new risks for young people, and one of the fastest-growing and most devastating threats is sextortion - a form of online exploitation where someone uses sexual images to blackmail and threaten others. What should a young person experiencing sextortion or other online harms do, and how can they get help? This webinar discussed what you need to know about sextortion.

Event: RISE: Toward Evidence-Based Elder Mistreatment Prevention and Response - December 10 2024

Approximately 10% of older adults in Canada in the community experience some form of elder mistreatment each year. This presentation described the RISE model and reported initial findings from a randomized control trial designed to test the effectiveness of the RISE/EAPO response framework across Ontario, including significant improvements on several psychosocial outcomes.


2024 Prosecution of Animal Abuse Conference - November 28-29

The Prosecution of Animal Abuse Conference seeks to provide professional development and networking opportunities for Crown prosecutors, attorneys and allied professionals across Canada. The goal of this annual event is to facilitate the sharing of information and resources about animal abuse and the Violence Link in order to ensure that crimes against animals are prosecuted effectively and efficiently. Humane Canada brought this event online this November 28 to 29, 2024. 

The Peter Jaffe Lectures on Ending Domestic Violence: Keeping children visible in domestic violence research, policy and practice: What have we learned in 30 years? - November 28

This lecture was delivered by Cathy Humphreys, a mentor within the Safer Families Centre and Professor of Social Work at University of Melbourne. Cathy is also Co-Chair for the Melbourne Alliance to End Violence Against Women and Their Children (MAEVe). For more information, click here.



Webinar: Intervening with Perpetrators Who Use Coercive Control - November 22

This webinar focused on approaches to working with perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV). The session highlighted the importance of maintaining safety when working with participants, addressing the physical and emotional aspects of worker safety and wellbeing. For more information, click here.


Webinar: Strengthening Systems Responses to Violence Against Women in Canada: What We Know And Where We Need To Go From Here - November 21 2024

This webinar was presented by the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre.


Webinar: Responding to Disclosures of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Newcomers and Refugees Communities - November 15 2024

Newcomers and refugees face numerous challenges as they adapt to their new environment. In addition to the stress of displacement, a history of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) can make them particularly vulnerable, often discouraging survivors and victims from seeking help. This webinar aimed to help atttendees understand the challenges and provide them with the tools to respond to disclosures within these communities.



Webinar: Reproductive Coercion is Violence - November 7 2024

On Nov 7, 2024 the Community Legal Education Association held a webinar to discuss the ways that violence may intersect with reproductive coercion and how traditional notions of perpetrators may not always apply.


Webinar: Lessons on supporting children who have experienced violence - October 28 2024

This online seminar was jointly hosted by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), the INSPIRE Working Group and the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) and  showcased support services for children who have experienced violence in Cambodia and Nepal. For more information, click here.



Webinar: Global and Local Perspectives on Sexual & Gender-Based Violence Programming and Research - October 25 2024

In this interactive session, CanWaCH talked about the gaps and opportunities in SGBV related programming, research, and funding, drawing on examples from both the Canadian and international context. For more information, click here.


Webinar: Anti-Racist and anti-oppressive practices in the VAW Sector - October 22 2024

This session focused on Anti-Racist, Anti-Oppressive (ARAO) practices in the violence against women (VAW) sector. It explored case scenarios that highlight systemic racism and intersectionality in the workplace.

Lunchtime Conference: Between Two Closets - October 15 2024

This webinar discussed queer men’s experiences of secondary victimization with formal support services and avenues for avoiding these experiences among less visible audiences in situations of intimate partner violence. For more information, click here.


PATHS 40th Anniversary Conference - October 16-17 2024

This year's PATHS conference was the 40th anniverary! It took place in Regina on October 16 and 17th with the theme Reflecting on the Past and Envisioning a Future without Abuse. For more information, click here.



Webinar: Domestic Violence: Employer Responsibilities - October 17 2024

The Community Legal Education Association offerred this presentation to discuss the essential role employers play in creating safe work spaces.


Webinar Series: Resilience Scale Masterclass - October 10 2024

Resilience can be defined as the ability to respond positively in the face of adversity. The Resilience Scale metaphor depicts how adversities, positive supports, and acquired skills and abilities interact to influence resilience. The 2.5-hour Resilience Scale Masterclass educated policy makers, educators, practitioners, and the public about brain development and its impact on health, mental health, and overall well being throughout the lifespan. For more information, click here.



Webinar: Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Saskatchewan Through Second-Stage Housing - September 17 2024


Dr. Emily Grafton, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Regina

Dr. Amber Fletcher, Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Studies, 

University of Regina

Crystal Giesbrecht, Director of Research, Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS)

Christa Baron, Executive Director, SOFIA House



Special Event: Elder Abuse in the Canadian LGBTQ2SA+ Community: Qualitative and Quantitative Findings - September 10 2024

Dr. Gloria Gutman and Dr. Claire Robson shared information on the lived experience of transwomen, gay men and lesbians including financial abuse, physical and sexual abuse, psychological abuse and neglect within partner relationships, in residential care, in home care, and from religious organizations. This special event was presented and recorded on September 10 2024. For more information, click here.



Enhancing Resilience: Mental Health Support for Individuals AFfected by IPV-Related Brain Injury - July 17 2024

This ENIGMA GKEN Education Session on "Enhancing Resilience: Mental Health Support for Individuals Affected by IPV-Related Brain Injury" was led by Dr. Tamar Rodney and took place on July 17 2024.



Navigating trauma-informed embodiment practices with survivors and those supporting survivors of gender-based violence - July 16 2024

On July 16th, the Learning Network and Knowledge Hub hosted a webinar featuring speakers Margeaux Feldman and Nicole Brown-Faulknor in which they discussed the connection between trauma and the body and how somatic/embodiment practices might be integrated into the work of supporting survivors of gender-based violence. This webinar took place Tuesday July 16 2024.


Trauma Informed Anti-Racism Learning Series - July 9th and 10th 2024

The Anti-Racism Network and Heart-Song Complex Trauma Program offerred an in-person learning series in Regina delving into the intersection of trauma and racism. This series aimed to provide a safe space for open discussions, learning, and growth. Through interactive workshops and engaging speakers, participants explored the impact of trauma on marginalized communities and how we can work towards a more inclusive society. This event took place July 9th and 10th 2024.



EVENT - Teaching, Research, Community Partnership to Address Family and Gender-Based Violence - July 4 2024

ATTACH and the University of Calgary's Faculty of Nursing hosted this hybrid event featuring speakers Dr. Franciéle Marabotti Costa Leite and Mayara Luis to discuss their experiences with research on violence against children and women in Brazil. This event took place on Thursday July 4 2024.


WEBINAR - Understanding and Managing the Impact of Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout Among Child Serving Professionals: Practical Strategies for Self-Care - July 1 2024

This globally-available webinar presented by ISPCAN and featuring speaker Dr. Zlatina Kostova will provided a general overview of Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout, its impact on the physiology and well-being, as well as practical strategies to identify and manage it, all in the context of child serving professionals in all sectors. The presentation took place on Monday July 1 2024.



WEBINAR - Working with community: Learnings from the MMIWG unit in treaty 5 territory - June 26 2024

Stephanie Landherr, a front-line worker working for the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Unit within Treaty 5 Territories led this online session presented by the YWCA Canada and the Violence Against Women Staff Network. This session took place Wednesday June 26 2024.

National AVA Women’s and Girls’ Health Hub Meeting - June 19 2024

This National AVA Women's and Girl's Health Hub Meeting provided an opportunity to both delve into AVA's recent work and to set priorities for work to come in the arena of health and wellness for girls, women, and gender-diverse individuals at risk of or affected by violence and adversity. This meeting took place on Wednesday June 19 2024.



WEBINAR - Colonialism and Survivance: Unique experiences of multigenerational violence and cultural strengths among Indigenous peoples in Canada - June 18 2024

Since first contact, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples in Canada have faced various forms of violence, including but not limited to sustained assimilation efforts that resulted in generations of Indigenous children being exposed to abuse and neglect. This webinar, featuring speaker Amy Bombay, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and the School of Nursing at Dalhousie University, discussed how, despite the unique context of settler colonialism that has resulted in transgenerational cycles of trauma, Indigenous nations continue to practice and revitalize their cultural knowledges to be passed across generations and bring health and wellness to their communities. This webinar took place Tuesday June 18 2024 from 1:00 to 2:30pm ET.


INFORMATION SESSION - It’s Not Just, WAGE’s National Youth Campaign to Raise GBV Awareness  - June 18 2024

In collaboration with YWCA CAnada, Women and Gender Equality Canada’s (WAGE) Gender-Based Violence Knowledge Centre held an event on the national gender-based violence (GBV) youth awareness campaign, It's Not Just. During this event, representatives from WAGE and YWCA introduced It’s Not Just, a behavioural change campaign created to empower Canadian youth (14-24) to recognize and help end the behaviours and attitudes contributing to GBV. This information session took place Tuesday June 18 2024 from 1:00 to 2:30pm ET.


Webinar - Assessing Risk, Building Safety - May 17 2024

This webinar shared information on risk assessment and various risk assessment tools for intimate partner violence and featured experts discussing the risk assessment tools B- Safer, ODARA & RISA for intimate partner violence.


Moose Hide Campaign Day - May 16 2024

The Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement to engage men and boys in ending violence towards women and children. It has since grown into a nationwide movement of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians from local communities, First Nations, governments, schools, colleges/universities, police forces and many other organizations committed to taking action to end this violence. People of all ages, genders and backgrounds are invited to take part in the annual Moose Hide Campaign Day ceremony and fast. For more information about the campaign, click here.





Virtual Conference - Safe Havens: Emergency Shelter Solutions for Older People in Canada - May 14 2024

As the Canadian population ages and rates of family violence and gender-based violence continue to rise, increasing the number of emergency shelters, transition houses, and other emergency accommodations for older people is becoming a pressing issue. CNPEA, EAPO, and CREVAWC hosted this free, national online symposium focused on sheltering options for older victims of elder abuse, family violence, and gender-based violence.


Webinar: How Paramedics Can Care For and Support Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence - April 30 2024

Paramedics often supersede the emergency department as the first point of contact for survivors of intimate partner violence seeking healthcare, support, and resources. However, paramedics in Canada are not well situated to provide survivors with what they need. This webinar provided an engaging look into the state of the intersection of Canadian paramedicine and intimate partner violence, and explored the opportunity for paramedics to act as expert resource. This webinar took place on April 30 from 11:00-12:30 PST.


Supporting Survivors of GBV and their Animals: Innovative and Collaborative Strategies - March 29 2024

This webinar, hosted by the Learning Network and presented by Claire Delude and Sue O'Neill of Humane Canada's ACT Project, sought to discuss the complexities and barriers facing survivors of GBV with animals as they occur generally and in diverse communities including Indigenous communities, rural and remote communities, and official language minority communities. This webinar took place on March 29 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm EST.



Heart Work Conference - March 19-21 2024

WomenatthecentrE's Heart Work Conference was a multi-day event to explore eradicating gender-based violence through transformative practices, activism and advocacy, arts-based facilitators, and most importantly, survivor-led practices. This conference took place from March 19-21 from 12:00pm to 4:30pm EST each day.


Weaving worker wellness | Soutenir le bien-être du personnel

Weaving Worker Wellness - March 7 2024

Women’s Shelters Canada (WSC) and the Ending Violence Association (EVA) of Canada hosted a dual launch of the Feminist Brain Drain Report and the Building Supports for the Gender-Based Violence Workforce Report. This event took place Thursday March 7 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm EST.


Learning Network and Knowledge Hub Webinar Series.

Reproductive Coercion Strategies in Intimate and Family Contexts: Experiences of Those Who Have Endured Them - February 27 2024

This webinar focused on reproductive coercion and is based on the findings of a doctoral thesis conducted within the Research Laboratory on Reproductive Health and Violence led by Sylvie Lévesque (UQAM). It presented key definitions, the contexts in which reproductive coercion occurs, and how victims perceive the issue and the best ways to prevent it. This webinar tookplace on Tuesday February 27 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm ET. For more information, click here.


Survivor-Led in Practice: Supporting Intersectional Expertise and Leadership in the GBV Sector - February 6 2024

This Learning Network Virtual Forum aimed to bring together service providers, organizational leaders, and community advocates to reflect on what it means to be survivor-led in practice and share ways to equitably support GBV survivor leadership and advocacy by and for those most impacted by violence. Participants learned about ways to support survivor-led opportunities and collaboration that affirms intersectional principles of safety and healing. Presentations took place online on Tuesday February 6 from 1:00 to 3:30 pm ET. For more information, click here.


Exit Pathways Out of Violence for Migrant or Racialized Women With Disabilities: Understanding to Better Support Survivors - January 23 2024

The Learning Network, with speakers Selma Kouidri and Sofia Benkirane, offerred this webinar to present women with disabilities in all their diversity, to understand the issues at stake and power relations, and to initiate a discussion on possible sustainable measures to address violence against girls and women with disabilities. This webinar took place online on January 23, 2024 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm ET. For more information, click here.


Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence for Family Law Practitioners - January 22-25 2024

For four days from 8am to 12pm CST daily, PATHS offerred training via an online live course to provide an overview of the dynamics of domestic violence in the context of separation, divorce, and child custody and access. For more information, click here.


Webinar: Everyday Challenges Deaf Women Face in the Context of Gender-Based Violence - November 19 2024

This webinar sought to broaden participants’ knowledge regarding deafness and the reality of deaf women in the context of gender-based violence. It explained universal accessibility concepts related to deafness, and identify the challenges that deaf women have in accessing essential services. Finally, the webinar sought to impart the positive impact of inclusion on the lives of deaf women. For more information, click here.


Inclusive Voices, Collective Power - November 29, 2023

To mark this year's 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign, WomanACT, the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) and Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario (EAPO) co-hosted a half-day virtual symposium on Gender Based Violence. More information can be found here.


Domestic Abuse Awareness: A Foundation in Coercive Control - November 23, 2023

Provided by the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance, this foundation-level course provided training on identifying coercive and controlling behaviours, as well as information on the impact of living with abuse from a partner, ex-partner or family member. More information can be found here.


The Walrus Talks Gender-Based Violence

The Walrus Talks Gender-Based Violence - November 16, 2023

Presented by the Canadian Women's Foundation, this event featured a number of speakers gathered to discuss urgent questions regarding gender-based violence, including myths about who faces and perpetrates violence and the roles and responsibilities of workplaces in helping employees experiencing violence. More information can be found here.


Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre Lunch and Learn Webinar Series - November 9, 14, 22, 30 2023

The MMFC offerred a lunchtime series of webinars highlighting Family Violence Prevention Month (November). All sessions took place on Zoom with simulaneous interpretation and were recorded for future viewing. More information can be found on their website here.


Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence for Family Law Practitioners - September 25-28

Delivered by Jo-Anne Dusel and Crystal Giesbrecht of PATHS, this training aimed to provide an overview of the dynamics of domestic violence in the context of separation, divorce, and child custody and access. This training took place online from September 25 to September 28, 2023. To lear more, click here.


Family Law, Family Violence and Restorative Justice Webinar

Family Law, Family Violence and Restorative Justice Webinar - June 28

In a country plagued by rising instances of family violence and contentious divorces, Lisa Teryl, a seasoned senior lawyer, and Tod Augusta Scott, a renowned advocate in family violence and trauma, have come together to introduce an innovative approach to family law. Their brainchild, Divorce Legal Communication Services, aims to put an end to abuse, foster collaboration, and streamline the divorce process through adopting a restorative approach. This webinar provided an overview of Divorce Legal Communication Services and how it can empower divorcing couples. This event took place online Wednesday, June 28 from 10am-11:30am CST.


Lessons Learned from the Nova Scotia Mass Casualty: Reflections from the Commission and Community. Thursday, June 1, 2023 | 1:00 to 2:30 pm Eastern Time.

Lessons Learned from the Nova Scotia Mass Casualty: Reflections from the Commission and Community - June 1

From April 18 to 19, 2020 the most lethal mass shooting in Canadian civilian history occurred in Nova Scotia. In response, an independent public inquiry, called the Mass Casualty Commission, was created to examine the mass casualty and provide meaningful recommendations to help keep communities safer.
In this event, panelists from the Commission and community in Nova Scotia came together to discuss the contributing and contextual factors, including the role of gender-based violence, to mass casualty events. Recordings are now available. To learn more, click here.


Sexual Violence Awareness Week: Collaboration: Creating Safer Communities - May 18

For Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2023, Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan held a virtual event series guided by the theme "The Power of Collaboration: Creating Safe Communities." This event was a discussion with expert panelists on male experiences with sexual violence and mental health challenges. This event took place on Thursday, May 18.




Sexual Violence Awareness Week: #ChooseToSee Campaign Panel Discussion - May 17

For Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2023, the Coalition of Regional Sexual Assault Centres of Saskatchewan (CRSAC) continued their successful #ChooseToSee campaign. This year, they invited communities to continue building their awareness of sexual violence. This panel event discussed the objective of the #ChooseToSee campaign, what needs to change, and some practical ideas for how every person can #ChooseToAct and involve themselves in the solution. This event took place on Wednesday, May 17.


Indigenous Perspectives  on Interprofessional Collaboration

Sexual Violence Awareness Week: Indigenous Perspectives on Interprofessional Collaboration - May 16

For Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2023, Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan held a virtual event series guided by the theme "The Power of Collaboration: Creating Safe Communities." This event was a discussion with Treaty Commissioner of Saskatchewan Mary Culbertson on taking Indigenous perspectives and colonial histories into account when pursuing interprofessional collaboration. This discussion took place Tuesday, May 16.


Traumatic Brain Injury and IPV: Challenges for Survivors in Family Court

Traumatic Brain Injury and IPV: Challenges for Survivors in Family Court - April 3

Survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) commonly sustain physical injuries to the head, neck, and face. As a result of increased trauma to these areas, survivors are at a greater risk of experiencing brain injuries and can face challenges when accessing, navigating, and participating in the family court system. This webinar focused on the intersection of IPV and brain injury, and the subsequent challenges these injuries present for survivors in the family court system including issues surrounding participation in the court process, establishing causal evidence of IPV-related brain injury, and the absence of trauma-informed legal practices. This event took place online on Monday, April 3.



Substance Use Coercion and Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in Family Court - February 8

The RESOLVE network hosted a webinar discussing the issue of substance use coercion and its impact on survivors of IPV, as well as the intersection of substance use coercion and the family court system., including the prevalence of the issue, how family court personnel can best address the issue, and promising practices for supporting survivors impacted by the issue. This event took place online Wednesday, February 8.


Reflecting on the Papal Visit; Sexual Health, Gender Identity, Reparations

Reflecting on the Papal Visit; Sexual Health, Gender Identity, Reparations - January 31

In recognition of a new year, a conversation with Elders and Indigenous community leaders reflecting on the Papal visit was held. This event took place online on Tuesday, January 31st. Click here for more information.


Atlas Institute Veteran Family Virtual Summit - January 27 and 28

The Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families hosted a free, two-part virtual summit dedicated to providing information, tools and resources about Veteran Family mental health. Click here for more information.



MMIWG: Human Trafficking in the Prairie Provinces

MMIWG: Human Trafficking in the Prairie Provinces - January 17

A presentation of new research by Dr. Manuela Valle Castro, Gwen Dueck, and Dr. Priscilla Settee. This event took place in person at the Gorden Oakes Red Bear Student Centre on January 17th, 10am-12pm CST. Click here for more information.

Network Exchange by STOPS to Violence - December 13

A monthly online forum to support learning and information sharing about initiatives and resources that contribute to addressing gender-based violence in Saskatchewan. Click here for more information.

This session featured Karen Wood and Jorden Cummings of RESOLVE Saskatchewan and Shandrea Verboom of Inclusion Saskatchewan and took place on December 13, 9am-10:30am.


November ATTACH Webinar Series - Nov. 25
"The ATTACH Intervention: An Introduction and Perspectives from ATTACH Parents"

November's ATTACH webinar series featured Dr. Nicole Letourneau and a panel of ATTACH family/parents to talk about their experiences with ATTACH, participating in research and accessing resources.

Took place November 25, 12:00pm-1:00pm MST.

The Peter Jaffe Lectures on Ending Domestic Violence: "Children Bereaved by Domestic Homicide: The Implications for Home, Relationships and Identity" - Nov. 25

When a parent is killed by their partner, their children experience multiple losses. As the Jaffe Lectures keynote, Dr. John Devaney explored what is known about these issues and the implications for children in relation to their practical care, and their longer-term sense of identities and relationships with significant others.

Took place November 25, 2:00pm EST.


ISPCAN Prevention Month Webinar - Nov. 17
"Trauma Informed Mental Health Care - Prevention in Children at Risk & Increasing Resilience in Traumatized Children" 

As part of their November Prevention campaign, ISPCAN offerred a presentation highlghting one country's system of care around prevention focusing on the mental health of parents and children atvarious stages.



ISPCAN Prevention Month Webinar - Nov. 10
"Protecting Children from Maltreatment Across All Ages in Challenging Times"

As part of their November Prevention campaign, ISPCAN offered a presentation highlighting what gold standard resources can be built in any community to ensure that families have access to what is needed to provide safe family situations for children. This session focused on programs across all age groups, from birth to adolescence.


World Premier ISPCAN Film Event: Inspiring Change through Storytelling - Oct. 27 2022

Amy is preparing for her art exhibition when a comment reignites traumatic childhood memories. She wants help but struggles with family loyalty. This film is based on interviews with people who are recovering from childhood sexual abuse and was inspired by Dr Claire Cunnington's Wellcome Trust funded doctoral research at the University of Sheffield. A world premiere and panel discussion with Dr Cunnington and Chris Godwin, founder and creative director of Inner Eye Productio, took place on October 27, 2022.


"Regrouping & Recharging: Gathering to Create Sustainable Change" - Oct. 19 and 20 2022

The theme of this year's PATHS conference was "Regrouping & Recharging: Gathering to Create Sustainable Change." The conference took place in Regina on October 19 and 20, 2022. More info at PATHS.


Mapping the Sixties Scoop Diaspora with Colleen Cardinal - Oct. 13 2022

Colleen Hele-Cardinal from the Sixties Scoop Network (SSN) came to the University of Saskatchewan to host a workshop on the Sixties Scoop and digital mapping and to talk about her GIS mapping project "In our Own Words: Mapping the Sixties Scoop Diaspora." Poster here.


Saskatchewan Violence Prevention Week - Oct. 4 - Oct. 8 2022

SVPW was held from October 24-October 28, 2022 with the theme 'It Starts With You'. Click here for more information.


How to Become a "No Hit" Zone - Sept. 22, 29, and Oct. 4 2022

ISPCAN partnered with the National No Hit Zone Committee to offer a free three-part, three-hour online training to introduce key parenting practices that offer an effective alternative to corporal punishment.
Session 1: The "Why": Introduction to No Hit Zone & How to Convince Your Organization to Become One
Session 2: The "How": You've Become a No Hit Zone—Now What?
Session 3: Alternative to Corporal Punishment: Parenting Practices That Work


Gender-Based Violence and Maltreatment in Sport - Sept. 29 2022

The Learning Network offerred this Resource Spotlight online at no cost to participants. The presentation reviewed the current evidence regarding malreatment in sport, contributing factors, effects on athletes, and recommendations for prevention and intervention. A recording of the presentation is available here.

RESOLVE Talk 202: Dusting Off Our Past for a Safer Tomorrow - Nov. 19 2021

Find more information about this archived event here.

SASS Sexual Violence Awareness Week

Recordings of the webinar sessions from SASS Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2020 can be found on their YouTube channel here.


"The Road" Screening and Conversation with Producers and Cast

The Road (2020) is a short film starring the Indigenous girls of Stardale Women's Group. It explores various themes pertaining to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and the legacy and inter-generational impact of colonialism in Canada. Recently, Stardale received the award for Best Short film from the Montreal Independent Film Festival and the "Award of Commendation" at the Canada Shorts Film Festival.


Responding to Gender-Based Violence Across the Prairies Webinar

On November 26th 2020, the RESOLVE Network and Circling Buffalo Inc. offerred the Responding to Gender-Based Violence Across the Prairies webinar to acknowledge November as being Domestic Violence Awareness month (Manitoba) and Family Violence Prevention month (Alberta).

Guest Speakers included Dr. Erin Whitmore (Ending Violence Association of Canada) & Dr. Anna Lise Turnbull (Anova), who presented “Pandemic Meets Pandemic: Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 on Gender-Based Violence Services and Survivors in Canada”. Elder Mae Louise Campbell, Laurie Mackenzie (Great White Owl Woman), and Kim Trossel presented on the sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of Indigenous women and girls and the Clan Mothers’ Healing Village project.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.


Nova Scotia Mass Shooting

We are profoundly saddened by the tragic events in Nova Scotia, with the loss of so many lives.

Our thoughts continue to be with those affected. The Feminist Coalition has released a statement regarding this horrific event.