
Gamma Cell

About the Facility

The Co-60 Gamma-Cell facility features two chambers for use in performing total ionizing dose testing. Our facility has both a high dose rate chamber as well as a low dose rate chamber for determing enhanced low dose rate effects (ELDRS) on electronic devices.

Each chamber has a ~1'' pass through port for allowing connections to electrical devices so active monitoring can take place during testing.

The chambers have a motorized mechnism that lowers devices down into the shielded chamber, meaning that operation of the devices is both easy and safe. We have worked with a number of industry partners over the years to test TID performance of a variety of electrical devices including MDA, Nanowave, CISCO, and Xiphos Technologies.


Dr. Li Chen

Technical Specifications

Low Dose Rate 0.05 rad/s
High Dose Rate 80 rad/s
Chamber Size

Height 200mm

Diameter 100mm

Cable Pass Through 36 mm