USASK and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)

On Sunday, August 21, 2022, the University of Saskatchewan (USASK) was delighted to welcome honoured guests from the Government of Malaysia and the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT).
USASK and UMT signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Sunday to facilitate greater academic collaboration. This MoU was consistent with the previously signed MoU, dated January 6, 2022, that set forth a framework for academic and scholarly collaboration and cooperation between USASK, Saskatoon, Canada and UMT, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.
The Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Noraini Ahmad, the Minister of Higher Education of Malaysia, was the special guest at this MoU Signing Ceremony. Dr. Noraini Ahmad and other guests from the Government of Malaysia and UMT started their visit with a campus tour.

The welcome address was given by Dr. Airini, Provost and Vice President Academic at USASK. Gordon S. Wyant Q.C., Minister of Advanced Education from the Government of Saskatchewan also welcomed Dr. Noraini Ahmad and Malaysian team and emphasized on the importance of building and strengthening collaborations between the two universities.
Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Noraini Ahmad said such collaborations between academic institutions are crucial to tackling challenges posed by climate change, as well as food and water security issues. This, she said, was in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially SDG 4 on providing quality education that served as the foundation for all other SDGs.
“The world’s food security is at risk due to many stressors, such as COVID-19 pandemic and conflict between nations. Climate change as well as food and water insecurity are among the main challenges that we face. We, in the higher education sector, must increase collaborations to address these issues and, at the same time, make our economics resilient and sustainable.”
“This recovery phase provides us with the opportunity to remedy challenges according to the SDGs,” she said at the MoU signing ceremony at the University of Saskatchewan on Sunday.
“With the belief that education is the bedrock of all other SDGs, we must develop programs through international partnerships that will develop holistic graduates. And these graduates will be the driving force of sustainable development.”
“I hope that the University of Saskatchewan and UMT will accelerate their joint efforts to develop these programs. I believe this can be done through the establishment of dual masters and PhD programs, as well as student and staff mobility programs,” Dr. Ahmad said.

After the corporate video presentations of USASK and UMT, Dr. Hassan Vatanparast gave a presentation on Preserving and Promoting Indigenous Cuisines from Around the World.
“Understanding Indigenous traditional food practices and supporting their continuation is one of the best approaches for achieving food security and decreasing the high prevalence of chronic diseases among Indigenous peoples”, said Dr. Vatanparast.

Based on the MoU signed between the two universities, USASK and UMT will collaborate in the development and commercialization of a technology to establish a sustainable, effective waste management protocol for agriculture and food waste. The lead investigators for this collaborative work are Dr. Prof. Hassan Vatanparast from USASK and Dr. Prof. Mhd. Ikhwanuddin Abdullah, Director, Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries, and Dr. Prof. Meisam Tabatabaei, Professor of Environmental Biotechnology from UMT. The MoU also aimed to establish joint research and supervision for masters and PhD programs, as well as to facilitate mobility programs for students.
At the end of the event, representatives of both sides exchanged gifts and took pictures together.
Global Solutions for Global Health

Q&A to follow. Free event. Everyone welcome.
Presented by the University of Saskatchewan Food for Thought Planetary Health Series.
Eat Healthy Play Healthy Workshop

May 21, 2019
The Eat Healthy, Play Healthy Advisory Committee invites recreation leaders and food service providers to a gathering to discuss:
1. What is happening nationally and provincially to support healthy foods in recreation settings, and
2. the release of data and support resources in Saskatchewan, how they will be helpful and what else is needed.
Healthy Immigrant Children

May 21, 2019 6:30-8:30PM CST
Saskatoon Public Library-Special Event
Dr. Vatanparast will share information from his study on the nutrition and health status of immigrant and refugee children and their families.
Stay afterwards for discussions on promoting healthy eating and physical activity for new Canadians.
Nutrition and Health Status of New Canadians: Readiness for Culturally Appropriate Care

June 13, 2019
Nutrition and Health Status of New Canadians; Readiness for Culturally Appropriate Care is a one day thematic conference that will take place on June 13, 2019 as a pre-conference event to the North American Refugee Health Conference that is taking place from June 14-16, 2019. Please join us to learn from some of the leading experts in the field of immigration health - providing perspectives of researchers, service providers and policy makers.