General Information

About Our Study

The Effects of Milk and Yogurt Supplementation on Bone Health, Body Composition and Gut Health in Canadian Young Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial aims to assess the impact of consumption of fermented (like yogurt) and non-fermented dairy products (like milk) on: 

  • bone health and the development of osteoporosis (a condition characterized by loss of bone mass and tissues making bones weak and more likely to break)  
  • body composition (such as percentage of fat mass and lean mass) and the development of obesity (a condition characterized by extra accumulation of body fat)  
  • on gut microbiomes (the bacteria inside our intestine, which facilitate different functions inside our body like protection from infections and other diseases).  

Who Is Eligible?

  • You are 19-30 years of age
  • You are not pregnant or lactating or intending to conceive during the study period
  • You are not classified as obese by BMI, that is a BMI less than or equal to 30kg/m2
  • You have not had serious diseases in your bones, liver, hormones, lungs, or thyroid, and you have never had cancer
  • You do not have a diagnosed hormonal imbalance
  • You do not have secondary osteoporosis due to hypoparathyroidism (i.e., weak bones because of a problem with your parathyroid gland that controls calcium in your body)
  • You do not take water pills or diuretics, blood thinners, or cancer drugs
  • You do not have cow’s milk allergy

There may be other criteria that make you ineligible for the DFC study, which may be discussed with you during screening.



Where Will The Study Be Conducted?

All measurements will be take at the University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon campus. More detailed locations will be emailed for in-person measurements directly to the particiapnts. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out via our contact information tab. There may be some surveys and interviews conducted remotely.


If you have not registered for the study please scan the QR code below:

Welcome New Participants

What to Expect

The study will take place over the course of two years.

Your dairy pick up, if you are in the milk or yogurt groups, will be every two weeks and you can book a time that is convenient for you on this page.

After the intake interview you will be contacted via email four times for remotely administered questionnaires. During these times we will also interview you about your diet. You will also be asked to attend three sessions in person for sampling and measurements. Each of these sessions is expected to take approximately 2 hours. The first in person session may be a bit longer and take approximately 2 and a half hours. We will do our best to make you comfortable and that no time is wasted during the process. This page contains premeasurement instructions.

Approximate timeline below:

Timeline of the study


No; your dairy for the study will be provided to you free of charge.

We know that life happens. While we encourage you to adhere to the study protocol as best as you are able, if you are unable to consume your dairy one day please make note of it. Throughout the study we will check in about your adherence to the study protocol and you can let us know which days you may have missed.

We will do our best to accomodate you. Please reach out via the email for more information. If you are aware of your travel in advance let us know so that arrangements can be made.

Unfortunately, no. We will use a program to assign you to a group for the study. To achieve the best possible rigour, participants will not be able to pick which group they will be assigned to.

The results will only be analyzed after the final participant has completed all measurements. At this point in time there is no specified end date, however you will be notified upon publication of any results.

Yes! We encourage you to try new recipes so you can enjoy your daily dairy. We only ask that you do not cook or freeze the dairy so that the microbes are not effected.

Booking Dairy Pickup

Measurement Preparation Instructions

All DEXA scans will be completed at the Williams Building on campus at 221 Cumberland Ave N. Access is through the rear northeast tower entrance and down the stairs. There is map, including close up of rear entrance, which can be found in the "maps" section of this site.

The DEXA scan will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. We ask that you wear clothing that is comfortable to lie down in for that duration. Please avoid wearing any metal, such as jewelery, belts, bras with underwires and garmets with metal buttons.


All HR-pQCT scans will occur on campus at the Physical Activity Complex (PAC) 87 Campus Dr. There is a map in the maps section to help you find the PAC building. A research assistant will meet you at the door to help see you to the scanning room. Please wear clothing that can give access to your lower leg and forearm.

We ask that you please do not eat 12 hours before the time your blood sample will be taken. We also request that you do not exercise vigorously 48 hours before the sample appointment. This sample will be taken in the Williams building, afterwards a small snack will be provided.

Please do not eat, drink, smoke or use oral hygiene products 30 minutes before the sample collection. This sample will be taken in the Williams build. Prior to the sample being taken, we will provide you with water to rinse your mouth.

Click HERE for sample instructions

This link will bring you to a step by step guide and video.


Williams Building 221 Cumberland Ave.

Map of the U of S campus

Rear Entrance

Physical Activity Complex 87 Campus Dr.

Contact Information

Ways to Get in Touch

There are several ways to get in contact with us. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


Email Sidra Uzair, Student Researcher :

Email Michele Monroy Valle de Trejo :

Phone Number : 306-966-2833

Recipe Ideas
