Beamteam Research Group

Group Alumni

Picture of Dr. Ruhul Amin

Dr. Ruhul Amin BSc, MSc, PhD

University of Dhaka

Picture of Dr. Mark Boots

Dr. Mark Boots BEng, BSc, PhD
General Director, Voto Mobile

Picture of Dr. Teak Boyko

Dr. Teak Boyko BSc, PhD
Associate Scientist (REIXS), Canadian Light Source

Picture of Dr. Patrick Braun

Dr. Patrick Braun PhD
Associate Scientist (Canadian Light Source)

Picture of Dr. Sanjukta Chaudhury

Dr. Sanjukta Chaudhury MSc, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow (Anatomy and Cell Biology), University of Saskatchwan

Picture of Dr. Robert Green

Dr. Robert Green BE, BSc, PhD
Assistant Professor (QMax Group), University of Saskatchewan

Picture of  Trent Hamilton

Trent Hamilton BEng, MSc
Senior Coordinator (Environment, Compliance and Licensing), Cameco Corporation

Picture of  Josha Ho

Josha Ho BSc
Consultant, Deloitte (Omnia)

Picture of Dr. Adrian Hunt

Dr. Adrian Hunt BEng, MSc, PhD
Science Associate, NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Lab

Picture of Dr. Neil  Johnson

Dr. Neil Johnson BSc, MSc, PhD
Research Engineer, Consulting

Picture of Tyrel Kerpan

Tyrel Kerpan BSc, MSc, BA
Laboratory Technologist, Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Picture of Dr. Niloofar Ketabi

Dr. Niloofar Ketabi BSc, MSc, MFin, PhD
Product Development Scientist, NanoXplore

Picture of Dr. Brett Leedahl

Dr. Brett Leedahl BSc, PhD
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids

Picture of Sam Leitch

Sam Leitch BEng, MSc
Senior Application Developer, Synaptive Medical

Picture of Dr. Janay Macnaughton

Dr. Janay Macnaughton BSc, PhD
Applications Manager, KLA-Tencor

Picture of  Eamon McDermott

Eamon McDermott BASc, MSc
Research Fellow, Leti Semiconductors

Picture of Dr. John  McLeod

Dr. John McLeod BASc, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor, Soochow University

Picture of Dr. David Muir

Dr. David Muir BE, MSc, PhD
Beamline Scientist (IDEAS), Canadian Light Source

Picture of  Tor  Pedersen

Tor Pedersen BSc, MSc
Support Scientist (QMSC), Canadian Light Source

Picture of Dr. Israel Perez

Dr. Israel Perez BSc, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

Picture of Amy Pitman

Amy Pitman BEng, MSc
Technical Account Manager at Mentor Graphics (A Siemens Business)

Picture of Dr. Amir Qamar

Dr. Amir Qamar BSc, PhD

Picture of Dr. Thomas Tolhurst

Dr. Thomas Tolhurst BSc, MSc, PhD
Analyst, Maxar Technologies (MDA)

Picture of Dr. Regan Wilks

Dr. Regan Wilks BEng, MSc, PhD
Deputy Head of Group (Interface Design), Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

Picture of Dr. Mikhail Yablonskikh

Dr. Mikhail Yablonskikh MSc, PhD
Engineer, Scienta Omicron