Centre for Hydrology

About Us

Mission Statement

The Centre for Hydrology provides a focus and catalyst for hydrological research at the University of Saskatchewan. The Centre is an interdisciplinary University research cluster designed to bring together and coordinate academic, graduate student, postdoctoral and allied government research staff for research, training and outreach on hydrological issues of local and global importance and to coordinate the University presence in hydrology. It focusses on advancing the theory and practice of hydrology as a physical environmental science, and emphasizes research and training related to improving descriptions and explanations of the natural and human factors which control the quantity and quality of water resources. This mission is carried on from the former Division of Hydrology (1962-2001) which conducted and coordinated some of the earliest Canadian hydrology research. The Centre contributes to the Global Institute for Water Security and the Global Water Futures programme.

What We Do...

Hydrology is a physical environmental science which seeks to describe, explain and predict the occurrence, circulation, distribution and properties of freshwater, and its relationships with the terrestrial and atmospheric environments.

Studies investigate the interaction between the hydrological cycle and water resources, spanning surface runoff, groundwater, atmospheric interactions, watershed characteristics, channel dynamics, and water quality. Canadian hydrology is particularly complex as a result of the extremes of climate and landscape represented: research therefore covers the behaviours of water in all its physical states - gaseous (water vapour), liquid (rain, streams, soil moisture, groundwater), and solid (snow, ice, permafrost).

Hydrology is therefore highly interdisciplinary, incorporating aspects of geomorphology, geology, biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science: it is an important component of environmental and atmospheric science, aquatic and terrestrial ecology, forestry and agricultural science, geotechnical, environmental and agricultural engineering, resource economics, development studies, toxicology and environmental health.

One of the challenges for anyone attempting to identify sources of expertise in hydrological research is that these might well be found in a number of faculties, schools and departments, even within a single institution. The Centre for Hydrology provides an interdisciplinary hub for the University of Saskatchewan's contributions to the science. Our activities focus on advancing theoretical understanding, and improving practical aspects of the science, particularly within the context of changes in climate and land-use.

To this end, the Centre for Hydrology fills the following roles;

  • co-ordinates a variety of individual and collective research projects
  • provides a single point of contact representing the University's hydrological expertise to government, industry, the media and other institutions
  • participates in (and manages several) major inter-institutional research programs
  • contributes hydrology to the Global Institute for Water Security
  • provides an education and training environment for post-graduate students
  • maintains lab facilities, instrumentation and field study areas

The following links lead to additional information about the Centre for Hydrology's work;