
Visiting Research Students

The Centre for Hydrology occasionally hosts visiting graduate students who learn from Centre researchers while contributing to the Centre's research goals.  Some of the Centre's past visiting graduate students are listed below.

Name Affiliation Supervisor Research Objectives

Prasanna Dhakal


Tribhuvan University Dr. John Pomeroy

Quantifying glacier melt and hydrological response to black carbon deposition on Himalayas of Far West Nepal

Nicolas Andres Vasquez


Universidad de Chile Dr. Martyn Clark

Improve the modelling of hydrological processes for catchments throughout Chile.

Ivan Fuentes

Coldwater lab,

Universidad de Chile,
Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP)
Dr. John Pomeroy

Estimate the hydric contribution of glaciers in semi-arid zones of Chile, with significant presence of rock glaciers, using tracers, hydrological modeling and incorporating elements of climate change.

Ange Haddjeri

Coldwater lab,

Météo-France Dr. John Pomeroy

Examining the snow forecast system for blowing snow prediction

Danqiong Dai


Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP-CAS) 

Dr. Yanping Li Investigating anthropogenic activities  interactions with hydrology and climate by model simulation 

Gavin McNamara

Coldwater lab,

McGill University Dr. John Pomeroy

How climate change and glacier recession will impact water resources in the glaciated Andes.

Isabelle Schippers

Remote Learning,

University of Twente
Dr. Martyn Clark

River and Coastal Engineering

Gaby Gruendemann

Coldwater lab, 

Delft University of Technology
Dr. Martyn Clark
Dr. John Pomeroy

Precipitation extremes under climate change

Lina Stein

Coldwater Lab, 2019

University of Bristol Dr. Martyn Clark

Global Hydrology

Bosse Sottman

Saskatoon, 2019
Osnabrück University
Dr. John Pomeroy

Determine the impacts of climate change on the water resources of selected basins in western Canada.

Jorge Ezequiel Toum Acevedo

Coldwater Lab and Saskatoon, 2019

Instituto Argentino de Nivología

Dr. John Pomeroy Training in hydrologogical modelling

Abby Lute

Coldwater Lab, 2017

University of Idaho
United States
Dr. John Pomeroy Snowpack modelling and the intersection of snow, climate, and glaciers

Philip Kraaijenbrink

Coldwater Lab, 2017

Utrecht University Netherlands Joseph Shea
Dr. John Pomeroy
UAV research methods

Luis Marcoleta

Coldwater Lab, 2017

Universidad de Chile

Dr. John Pomeroy Field instrumentation and work protocols on snow and glacier hydrology, and glacier modeling with the Cold Regions Hydrological Model

Yohann Alfredo Videla Giering

Saskatoon, 2016

Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program

Dr. John Pomeroy Hydrologic modeling of the snow-dominated, in the semi-arid Andes Central Chile

Hannah Braun

Saskatoon, 2014-2015

University of Freiberg

Dr. John Pomeroy Effect of land use on infiltration to frozen prairie soils

Daniel Guenther

Coldwater Lab, 2014-2015

University of Freiberg

Dr. John Pomeroy Discharge processes during a rain on snow event

Dominic Demand

Coldwater Lab, 2014

Albert Ludwigs University

Dr. John Pomeroy Soil freezing and thawing in mountain hydrology