Centre for Hydrology Reports

The Centre for Hydrology publishes most of its research in peer-reviewed articles that appear in international journals or as chapters in edited books (see publications archive), however there is great utility in having comprehensive descriptions of scientific studies that are freely available and permit fully reproducible research. To this end the Centre for Hydrology initiated a Centre for Hydrology Reports series in 2005 as a successor to the Division of Hydrology Reports that were produced from 1965 to 1995. On this page you will find published the Centre for Hydrology Reports and other miscellaneous science or data reports available for download. When referring to them, please reference as Centre for Hydrology Report #XX, Centre for Hydrology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. These reports and the Division of Hydrology Reports are also available in printed form and can be found in a collection maintained at the Centre for Hydrology’s main office: 117 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK or by request to Joni Onclin.



Elshamy M., Pomeroy J.W., Pietroniro A. 2023.
Yukon River Basin Streamflow Forecasting System - Advancing, Calibrating, Demonstrating Snow Assimilation and Estimating Ungauged Basin Flow: The Vector-Based MESH Model of the Yukon River Basin
Centre for Hydrology Report #16 - Supplement #2
(1.89Mb PDF)

Aygun O., Elshamy M., Pietroniro A., Pomeroy J.W. 2022.
Yukon River Basin Streamflow Forecasting System - Vector-Based MESH Model Setup for Yukon River Basin
Centre for Hydrology Report #16 - Supplement #1
(2.48Mb PDF)

Tesemma Z., Shook K., Princz D., Razavi S., Wheater H., Davison B., Li Y., Pietroniro A. and Pomeroy J.W. 2020.
Diagnosis of Historical and Future Flow Regimes of the Bow River at Calgary Using a Dynamically Downscaled Climate Model and a Physically Based Land Surface Hydrological Model
Centre for Hydrology Report #18
(10.0Mb PDF)

Rajulapati C., Tesemma Z., Shook K., Papalexiou S. and Pomeroy J.W. 2020.
Climate Change in Canadian Floodplain Mapping Assessments
Centre for Hydrology Report #17
(11.2Mb PDF)

Elshamy M., Loukili Y., Princz D., Richard D., Tesemma Z. and Pomeroy J.W. 2020.
Yukon River Basin Streamflow Forecasting System
Centre for Hydrology Report #16
(8.26Mb PDF)

Loukili Y. and Pomeroy J.W. 2018.
The Changing Hydrology of Kluane Lake under Past and Future Climates and Glacial Retreat
Centre for Hydrology Report #15
(21.15Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J.W., Shook K., Fang X., Dumanski S., Westbrook C. and Brown T. 2014.
Improving and Testing the Prairie Hydrological Model at Smith Creek Research Basin
Centre for Hydrology Report #14
(3.1Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J.W., Shook K., Fang X., Brown T. and Marsh C. 2013.
Development of a Snowmelt Runoff Model for the Lower Smoky River
Centre for Hydrology Report #13
(8.71Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, Fang X, Shook K, Westbrook C, and Brown T. 2012.
Informing the Vermilion River Watershed Plan through Application of the Cold Regions Hydrological Model Platform
Centre for Hydrology Report #12
(5.48Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, and Shook K. 2012.
Review of Lake Diefenbaker Operations, 2010-2011
Centre for Hydrology Final Report to the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority
(11.4Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, Fang X, and Williams B. 2011.
Modelling Snow Water Conservation on the Canadian Prairies
Centre for Hydrology Report #11
(3.72Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, Fang X, Ellis C and Guan M. 2011.
Sensitivity of Snowmelt Hydrology on Mountain Slopes to Forest Cover Disturbance
Centre for Hydrology Report #10
(6.32Mb PDF)

Westbrook C, Brunet N, Phillips I and Davies J-M. 2011.
Wetland Drainage Effects on Prairie Water Quality
Centre for Hydrology Report #9
(2.2Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, Semenova O, Fang X, Vinogradov Y, Ellis C, Vinogradova T, MacDonald M, Fisher E, Dornes P, Lebedeva L and Brown T. 2010.
Wolf Creek Cold Regions Model Set-up, Parameterisation and Modelling Summary
Centre for Hydrology Report #8
(1.3Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, Fang X, Westbrook C, Minke A, Guo X and Brown T. 2010.
Prairie Hydrological Model Study Progress Report
Centre for Hydrology Report #7
(7.1Mb PDF)

Sauchyn D, Barrow E, Fang X, Henderson N, Johnston M, Pomeroy J, Thorpe J, Wheaton E and Williams B. 2009.
Saskatchewan’s Natural Capital in a Changing Climate: An Assessment of Impacts and Adaptation
(0.9Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, Westbrook C, Fang X, Minke A and Guo X. 2009.
Snow Surveys and Hydrometeorology Data Collection in 2009 Winter Field Season at Smith Creek Basin
(0.25Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, Fang X and Williams B. 2009.
Impacts of Climate Change on Saskatchewan's Water Resources
Centre for Hydrology Report #6
(989Kb PDF)

Westbrook CJ and Brunet N. 2009.
Land Use and Wetland Drainage Effects on Prairie Water Quality Study, Progress Report
Centre for Hydrology Report #5
(0.5Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, Westbrook C, Fang X, Brown T, Minke A and Guo X. 2009.
Prairie Hydrological Model Study Progress Report
Centre for Hydrology Report #4
(1.6Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, Westbrook C, Fang X, Minke A and Guo X. 2008.
Prairie Hydrological Model Study Progress Report
Centre for Hydrology Report #3
(2.8Mb PDF)

Fang X, Minke A, Pomeroy J, Brown T, Westbrook C, Guo X and Guangul S. 2007.
A Review of Canadian Prairie Hydrology: Principles, Modelling and Response to Land Use and Drainage Change
Centre for Hydrology Report #2
(0.9Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J, de Boer D and Martz L. 2005.
Hydrology and Water Resources of Saskatchewan
Centre for Hydrology Report #1
(1.1Mb PDF)

Pomeroy J.W. and Gray D.M. 1995.
Snowcover : accumulation, relocation, and management
National Hydrology Research Institute Science Report #7
(18.6MB PDF)