Sex, Gender, and Reproductive Psychology Lab

Research Area(s)

  • • Gender-Based Violence in Queer Populations; 2SLGBTQ Youth Homelessness; Program Evaluation; Shame; Student Retention & Persistence; Help-Seeking

Andrew Hartman (They/Them) is a proud queer, Métis individual born and raised here on Treaty Six Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. Andrew is the proud zaza to their forever kitten, Luna. Before starting their Ph.D., Andrew worked for five years in Student Affairs providing holistic care and mentorship to undergraduate students, all while completing their Masters in Leadership in Higher Education. Andrew’s thesis aimed at understanding the role of shame in undergraduate students' persistence and help-seeking behaviour. Presently, Andrew is pursuing their Ph.D. in Applied Social Psychology with their dissertation focusing on understanding the psychological processes of shame and disenfranchised grief in 2SLGBTQ survivors of traumatic gender-based violence. As a program evaluator, Andrew is currently evaluating OUTSaskatoon's queer housing program (i.e., Pride Home), OUTSaskatoon's gender-based violence prevention initiative, and the University of Saskatchewan's graduate student orientation. In addition to Andrew's program evaluation work, they sit on the Saskatchewan chapter for the Canadian Evaluation Society as the Secretary.  



(ACCEPTED) Loewen Walker, R. & Hartman, A. T. (2022). Putting Universities at Risk: A Story of Fear and Self-Loathing. Challenging Exceptionalist Imaginaries 8(1).

(ACCEPTED) Harman, A. T., Hoessler, B., Camman, C., & Tom, V. (2020). Identity as a Compass When Navigating Uncharted Equitable Spaces. New Directions for Evaluations.


Hartman, A. & Lawson, K. (2019). Finding home: A pilot Evaluation of OUTSaskatoon’s Pride Home. Saskatoon, SK.


(ACCEPTED) Hartman, A. T. & Lawson, K. (2021, July).  2SLGBTQ Survivors of Gender-Based Violence Service and Care Needs. Conference presentation at the International Psychology Congress (ICP), Prague, Czech Republic.

(ACCEPTED) Hartman, A. T. & Lawson, K. L. (2020, June). Embracing Community Voices in Program Development. Poster presentation at the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON

Hartman, A. T. (2020, March). Queering service provision: Reducing barriers for GBV Survivors. Presentation at the Canadian Domestic Violence (CDV), Halifax, NS.

Hartman, A. T. (2020, March). Health & Resiliency. Panel moderator at the Canadian Indigenous Science and Engineering Society (.caISES) 2020 Gathering, Saskatoon, SK.

Hartman, A. T. (2020, March). Considering Shame when Navigating Conversations within Education. Conference presentation at the Canadian Indigenous Science and Engineering Society (.caISES) 2020 Gathering, Saskatoon, SK.

Hartman, A. T. (2019, November). My evolution as a human through research. Pecha Kucha Presentation at the Saskatchewan Patient Oriented Research’s (SCPOR) Annual Research Showcase, Regina, SK.

Hartman, A. T. & Squires, V. (2019, June).  The role of shame in student persistence and help-seeking. Conference presentation at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC. 

Hartman, A. T., Lawson, K. L., & Loewen Walker, R. (2019, May). What queer youth taught me about the current state of acceptance in community systems. Conference presentation at the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) Annual Conference, Halifax, NS 

Hartman, A. T., Lawson, K. L., & Loewen Walker, R. (2019, May). Strategies for evaluating in queer contexts. Conference presentation at the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) Annual Conference, Halifax, NS. 


Hartman, A. T. (2020, March). Providing Shame Sensitive 2SLGBTQ Intersectional Affirming Care. Invited professional development by West Prince Family Violence Prevention, Summerside, PEI.

Hartman, A. T. (2020, February). Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre graduate student panel. Invited panel member at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.

Hartman, A. T. (2020, January). The Research on Shame, Failure, and Resilience. Invited presentation at the St. Peter’s College Speaker Series Seminar, Saskatoon, SK.

Hartman, A. T. (2020, January). The Chains of Shame That Prevent Help-Seeking. Invited presentation at the St. Peter’s College Academic Centre for Excellence, Saskatoon, SK.

Hartman, A. T. (2020, January). Evaluation 101. Invited professional development for OUTSaskatoon, Saskatoon, SK.

Hartman, A. T. (2019, December). ‘What’s your story’? An evening of interactive learning. Invited ‘Human Library’ speaker at AIDS Saskatoon Awareness Week, Saskatoon, SK.

Hartman, A. T. (2019, November). Stories from the front lines: Sharing strategies on conducting community-based participatory research. Invited presentation by the University Of Regina’s Social Policy Research Centre, Saskatoon, SK.

Hartman, A. T. (2019, August). Understanding shame’s role in student help-seeking. First Year Research Experience Instructor Orientation & Teaching Assistant Orientation, Saskatoon, SK.

Hartman, A. T. (2019, June). Exploring shame and failure. Invited retreat presentation at Leaders Overcoming Gender Inequality in Chemistry (LOGIC), Quebec City, QC. 

Hartman, A. T. & Squires, V. (2018, November). A student and supervisor mentoring journey: Embracing the unknowns of a master's defense. Invited presentation at the University of Saskatchewan’s Department of Educational Administration’s Research Social, Saskatoon, SK.