Sex, Gender, and Reproductive Psychology Lab

Jessica received her Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Anthropology at the University of Saskatchewan in 2020. In her undergrad, she focused on cultural competency, Indigenous approaches to health, and her honours thesis centered on the cultural elements of Canadian women’s reproductive decision-making.

Now a SSHRC recipient in her Master’s program in Medical Anthropology, Jessica’s thesis continues her honours work with the Reproductive Psychology Lab. She has focused her research on reproductive decision-making in Saskatchewan considering COVID-19, with special attention paid to the LGBTQ2S+ community. Jessica hopes to continue her academic journey with a PhD that will overlap her current reproductive work with cultural studies on pain as she is also a research assistant on the Improving Pain in Saskatchewan project.

Publications and Conference Presentations

Jack, Jessica. 2019. “Stumbling, Not Falling Reviewing Cultural Competency in Fall Prevention Among Older Indigenous People.” University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Research Journal 5(2): 1-7.

Jack, Jessica. 2020. “The Akkadian Cylinder Seal – Metonym for Life in Akkad.” Pathways Graduate Journal 1: 29-37.

Jessica Jack, Cassie Jones, Megan Hewson, Sharon Okeeweehow, Erin Beckwell, Ross McCreery, Krista Baerg, Karen Juckes, Jeannie Coe, Colleen Dell, Pam Downe, Karen Lawson, Cristina Ugolini, and Susan M Tupper. 2021. Chronic pain needs assessment in Saskatchewan: hearing experiences of people with lived experience, healthcare providers, and decision-makers in three communities. Poster and Hot Topic Presentation, Canadian Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting.