Sex, Gender, and Reproductive Psychology Lab


 John (he/they) was a double major in his undergrad, earning both a BSc in Psychology, and a BSc in Natural Science at the University of Calgary in June 2019. John’s honours thesis aimed to explore how gay men understand and experience food and eating, in response to a body of literature that tends to problematize the eating of gay men. John’s experience includes evaluating programs which focus on addressing gender-based violence, racism and discrimination, and legal name change access.

John is currently pursuing a Masters in Applied Social Psychology. Their thesis research is focused on trans and gender diverse peoples’ experiences with legal name change in Saskatchewan. Outside of school John loves hiking, travelling, and photography. Their photos probably won’t be in the National Geographic, but they will at least make you say “Ooh, neat.”

Conference Presentations

2023 - Malyk, J., Lawson, K., & Loewen Walker, R. 'Words have meaning and names have power': Examining the success of the Trans ID Clinic. Poster session presented at the 2023 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference. Québec, QC.

2020 - Malyk, J. & Boyce, M. Barriers to Reporting Transgender Sexual Assault: The Influence of Transphobia and Other Factors. Poster session presented at the 81st Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention. Montréal, QC.

2020 - Malyk, J. & Radtke, H. L. Gay Men’s Eating Practices: Resisting a Bodily Ideal. Poster session presented at the 81st Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention. Montréal, QC.

2019 - Malyk, J., Boyce, M. Perceptions of sexual assault survivors: The Effects of Gender Identity and Gender Role Conformity. Poster session presented at the 4th North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference. Halifax, NS.