Sex, Gender, and Reproductive Psychology Lab

Shaneice (She/her) is currently completing a Master’s degree in the Applied Social Psychology program at the University of Saskatchewan. Shaneice’s research centres on reproductive decision-making. Supervised by Dr. Karen Lawson and Dr. Pam Downe, her honors thesis focused on how women account for the process of forming fertility intentions and decisions regarding the timing of motherhood using a cognitive-social model as a conceptual framework. Presently, her Master’s thesis will highlight differences in decision-making processes about the timing and number of children across men’s and women’s reproductive lifepaths. In addition, she will explore the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic has factored into men’s and women’s decisions about having (more) children. She is fortunate to be supervised by Dr. Karen Lawson again. She is expected to complete her Master’s thesis in late 2021.

Shaneice’s primary goal is to pursue a career in program evaluation. She was involved in the initial stages of a realist evaluation of Sanctum 1.0 (A hospice and transitional care home for people living with HIV/AIDS). She has also worked on projects regarding a) online programming for caregivers of people living with dementia and b) the transition of a dementia education program in Scotland for acute healthcare providers to a Canadian context ( More recently, Shaneice completed evaluations of PAWS Your Stress- a therapy dog program at the University of Saskatchewan that transitioned to online and remote formats due to the COVID-19 pandemic ( She is thrilled to continue working with the team as an evaluator throughout the summer.

Outside of academia, Shaneice loves music and is passionate about attending live shows. Her favorite role in life is being an aunty to three wonderful nieces, including a sweet Brussels Griffen-Chihuahua dog. She has many hobbies, such as reading, writing poetry, going for long walks, photography, and playing (way too much) Mario Kart. She has a deep, undeniable love for cats.

Peer reviewed publications

Fletcher-Hildebrand, S., Lawson, K., Downe, P., & Bayly, M. (in press). The role of motherhood schemas and life transitions in reproductive intention formation. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology.

Fletcher-Hildebrand, S., Alimezelli, H., Carr, T., Lawson, K., Ali, A., & Groot, G. (2021). Understanding the impact of a residential housing programme for people living with HIV/AIDS: a realist evaluation protocol. BMJ Open, 11(4), Article e044522.  

Conference Presentations

Fletcher-Hildebrand, S., Williamson, L., & the PAWS Your Stress team. (2021, May). “PAWS Your Evaluation Efforts”: Creating and refining an online campus-based therapy dog program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Evaluation Society 2021 Virtual Conference

Carey, B., Pavelich, A., Fletcher-Hildebrand, S., & the PAWS Your Stress team. (2021, March). PAWS Your Stress: Transitioning therapy dogs online during the COVID-19 pandemic [workshop]. 10th Annual E-Mental Health Conference Virtual Care in Times of Crisis and Beyond

Fletcher-Hildebrand, S. (2019, April). The Puzzle of Fertility Intentions: Motherhood Schemas and Life Transitions. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Saskatoon, Canada.

Conference Posters

(Accepted) Fletcher-Hildebrand, S., Lawson, K.L., Downe, P., & Bayly, M. (2021, June). Women's fertility intention formation: The influence and complexity of underlying structural factors. Canadian Psychological Association 2021 Virtual Conference.

(Accepted) Fletcher-Hildebrand, S., Perrotta, A., Lawson, K.L., & Downe, P. (2020, September). The Role of Social Influences on Women’s Reproductive and Career Intentions. Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology, Chester UK. *Postponed due to COVID-19

Fletcher-Hildebrand, S., Lawson, K.L., Downe, P. (2019, September). The puzzle of fertility intentions: Motherhood schemas and life transitions. Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology, London UK.