Sex, Gender, and Reproductive Psychology Lab

Adriana (she/they) has traveled all the way from Richmond, Virginia (but was born in Ontario) to complete a Master's degree in the Applied Social Psychology program at the University of Saskatchewan. She graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2017 with a B.S. in Psychology. Adriana's MA thesis is part of a SSHRC Insight funded grant led by Dr. Karen Lawson and Dr. Pamela Downe. The overall purpose of this project is to investigate how and when women form intentions on whether (or not) to defer motherhood. Adriana would like to use the lens of intersectionality to further investigate this topic. She is also interested in the broader scope of sexuality, as well as mental health overall.

In her free time, Adriana can often be found playing video games, cuddling with cats, or exploring her new home.

Peer reviewed publications:
Behler, A.M.C., Wall, C.S.J., Bos, A., & Green, J.D. (2020). To help or to harm?: Assessing the impact of envy on prosocial and antisocial behaviors. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(7), 1156-1168