Sex, Gender, and Reproductive Psychology Lab

Selena is an MA student at the University of Saskatchewan in the Applied Social Psychology Program. She previously earned her undergraduate degree in Psychology and Sociology from MacEwan University in 2015. Selena’s research interests lie in mental health and positive psychology.

Selena’s MA thesis is part of a SSHRC Insight funded grant led by Dr. Karen Lawson and Dr. Pamela Downe. The overall purpose of this project is to investigate how and when women form intentions on whether (or not) to defer motherhood.

Selena’s role in this project is to investigate the ways in which early life stressors impact women’s ability to successfully carry out their fertility intentions. Specifically, how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and other developmental trauma impact Reproductive Attitudes and Behaviors (and the intervening factors between this relationship.)

Following her MA, Selena plans on becoming a Health Promotion Facilitator with Alberta Health Services and using her research, evaluation, and facilitation skills to contribute to the field of Trauma Prevention and Intervention.